写论文中, 可能会遇到绘制一些图形. 除了使用传统软件绘制, 对于一些简单的线条型图形, 可以使用latex中的tikz包, 通过代码来绘制. 下面的示例是从预印本网站 搜索关键词 Defit-Zhou steepest descent method 检索到的论文源代码中复制而来, 图像下方附了代码, 可以复制.

arxiv上的预印本, 除了上传pdf版本, 一般也会上传tex源代码(点击other, 然后download source, 下载以后, 文件后缀加上rar, 然后解压即可). 因此可以下载下来学习tex的使用, 特别是比较复杂的绘图.

当然, 对于比较复杂的图形, 直接使用tikz绘制比较麻烦. 目前已经有很多工具支持可视化绘制, 并导出为tikz代码. 例如 GeoGebra 以及 mathcha.io.


            %\path [fill=pink] (-5,4)--(-5,0) to (-9,0) -- (-9,4);
            %\path [fill=pink] (-5,-4)--(-5,0) to (-1,0) -- (-1,-4);
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      \draw[fill] (-0.4,0)node[below]{$0$} ;
            %\draw[fill] (4,0)circle [radius=0.05];
            %\draw[fill] (4.2,0)node[below]{$\xi_{0}$};
            %\draw[fill] (5.5,0)node[below]{$\xi_{0}+\rho$};
            %\draw[fill] (2.5,0)node[below]{$\xi_{0}-\rho$};
      \draw[fill] (0,5.5) circle [radius=0.05];
      \draw[fill] (0.2,5.5)node[right]{$\frac{i}{2}$};
      \draw[fill] (0,2) circle [radius=0.05];
      \draw[fill] (-0.2,2)node[left]{$i\kappa_0$};
      \draw[fill] (0,-5.5) circle [radius=0.05];
      \draw[fill] (0.2,-5.5)node[right]{$-\frac{i}{2}$};
      \draw[fill] (0,-2) circle [radius=0.05];
      \draw[fill] (-0.2,-2)node[left]{$-i\kappa_0$};
      \draw[fill] (0,4.8) circle [radius=0.05]node[left]{$z_{j_0}$};
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      \draw[fill] (0,-5) circle [radius=0.05]node[left]{$\bar{z}_{j_0}$};
      \draw(0,-4.1) [blue, line width=0.5] circle(0.3);
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      \draw(0,-2.5) [blue, line width=0.5] circle(0.3);
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   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5cm]
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      \draw[->](0,-2.7)--(0,3)node[above]{ Im$z$};
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            %   \fill (B) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\bar{z}_1$};
            %   \fill (C) circle (1pt) node[left] {$z_2$};
            %   \fill (D) circle (1pt) node[left] {$\bar{z}_2$};
            %   \fill (E) circle (1pt) node[right] {$z_3$};
            %   \fill (F) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\bar{z}_3$};
            %   \fill (G) circle (1pt) node[left] {$z_4$};
            %   \fill (H) circle (1pt) node[left] {$\bar{z}_4$};

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   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm]
      \draw[dashed,->](-4,0)--(4,0)node[right]{ Re$z$};
      \draw[dashed,->](0,-2)--(0,2)node[above]{ Im$z$};
      \draw [-latex](5.5,0)--(5.6,0);
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            %\draw[fill] (2.5,0)node[below]{$\xi_{0}-\rho$};

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      \draw[fill] (-7,-1.2)node[right]{$\Sigma_{03}$};
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      \draw[fill] (-1.5,0.9)node[right]{$\Sigma_{11}$};
      \draw[fill] (-1.5,-0.9)node[left]{$\Sigma_{04}$};
      \draw[fill] (-1.5,-0.9)node[right]{$\Sigma_{14}$};
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      \draw[fill] (0.2,-0.9)node[below]{\small{$\Sigma_{1}'$}};
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      \draw[fill] (4.1,-0.9)node[below]{\small{$\Sigma_{2}'$}};
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      \draw[fill] (4,0)node[below]{$\xi_{1}$} circle [radius=0.08];
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      \filldraw[white, line width=0.5](4.8,0) arc (-360:0:0.8);
      \draw [pink, dashed](-10,0)--(8,0);
      \draw(4,0) [blue, line width=1] circle(0.8);
      \draw(-1,0) [blue, line width=1] circle(0.8);
      \draw[fill] (-5,0)node[below]{$0$} circle [radius=0.08];
      \draw[fill] (4,0)node[below]{$\xi_1$} circle [radius=0.08];
      \draw[fill] (-1,0)node[below]{$\xi_2$} circle [radius=0.08];
      \draw[fill] (6,2)node[left]{$\Sigma^{(E)}$};
      \draw[fill] (5.5,-0.1)node[above]{$\partial \mathcal{U}_{\xi_1}$};
      \draw[fill] (-1,0.6)node[above]{$\partial \mathcal{U}_{\xi_2}$};

      \draw[fill] (3.2,3)node[below]{$\Sigma_{1}^{pc}$};
      \draw[fill] (3.2,-3)node[above]{$\Sigma_{4}^{pc}$};
      \draw[fill] (-3.2,3)node[below]{$\Sigma_{2}^{pc}$};
      \draw[fill] (-2,-3)node[below]{$\Sigma_{3}^{pc}$};
      \draw[fill] (0,0)node[below]{$0$};
      \draw[fill] (1,0)node[below]{$\Omega_{6}$};
      \draw[fill] (1,0)node[above]{$\Omega_{1}$};
      \draw[fill] (0,-1)node[below]{$\Omega_{5}$};
      \draw[fill] (0,1)node[above]{$\Omega_{2}$};
      \draw[fill] (-1,0)node[below]{$\Omega_{4}$};
      \draw[fill] (-1,0)node[above]{$\Omega_{3}$};
      \draw[fill] (7,3)node[blue,below]{$\lambda^{i\nu\hat{\sigma}_{3}}e^{-\frac{i\lambda^{2}}{4}\hat{\sigma}_{3}}
         1 & 0 \\
         r_{0} & 1 \\
      \draw[blue,fill] (7,-2)node[below]{$\lambda^{i\nu\hat{\sigma}_{3}}e^{-\frac{i\lambda^{2}}{4}\hat{\sigma}_{3}}
         1 & r^{*}_{0} \\
         0 & 1 \\
      \draw[blue,fill] (-7,2.5)node[below]{$\lambda^{i\nu\hat{\sigma}_{3}}e^{-\frac{i\lambda^{2}}{4}\hat{\sigma}_{3}}
         1 & \frac{r^{*}_{0}}{1+|r_{0}|^{2}} \\
         0 & 1 \\
      \draw[blue,fill] (-7,-1)node[below]{$\lambda^{i\nu\hat{\sigma}_{3}}e^{-\frac{i\lambda^{2}}{4}\hat{\sigma}_{3}}
         1 & 0 \\
         \frac{r_{0}}{1+|r_{0}|^{2}} & 1 \\

         \draw[yellow!20, fill=yellow!20] (0,0)--(4,0)--(4,2)--(0, 2);
         \draw[green!20, fill=green!20] (0,0 )--(4,2)--(0,2)--(0,0);
         \draw[blue!20, fill=blue!20] (0,0 )--(-4,1.1)--(-4,2)--(0, 2)--(0,0);
         \draw[yellow!20, fill=yellow!20] (0,0 )--(-4,0)--(-4,1.1)--(0,0);
         \draw [ -> ] (-4.6,0)--(4.6,0);
         \draw [ -> ](0,0)--(0,3.5);
         \draw [red,thick  ](0,0 )--(4,2);
         \draw [red,thick  ](0,0 )--(-4,1.1);
         \node    at (0,-0.3)  {$0$};
         \node    at (5,0)  {y};
         \node    at (0,3.8 )  {t};
         \node  [below]  at (-0.5,1.7) {$u^r  +f_{11}t^{-1/2}+\mathcal{O}(t^{-3/4})$};
                  %\node  [below]  at (-1.5,1.8) {$-1/4<\xi<0 $};
         \node  [below]  at (2.9,0.7) {$  u^r +\mathcal{O}(t^{-1+2\rho})$};
         \node  [below]  at (-3,0.6) {$     u^r +\mathcal{O}(t^{-1+2\rho}) $};
         \node  [below]  at (-5,1.6) {$ \xi=-1/4 $};
         \node  [below]  at (4.7,2.3) {$ \xi=2 $};

   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
      \filldraw[yellow!20,line width=3] (3,0) rectangle (0,2.5);
      \filldraw[yellow!20,line width=3] (-3,0) rectangle (-0,2.5);
            %\filldraw[green!20,line width=3] (3,0) rectangle (0,-3);
            %\filldraw[green!20,line width=3] (-3,0) rectangle (-0,-3);
      \node   at (-1.1,2) {\footnotesize $\mathbb{C}^+$};
      \node   at (1.1,-2) {\footnotesize $\mathbb{C}^-$};
      \coordinate (A) at (0,1.5);
      \coordinate (B) at (0,-1.5);
      \fill (A) circle (1pt) node[right] {$k_n$};
      \fill (B) circle (1pt) node[right] {$-k_n$};

         \draw[yellow!20, fill=yellow!20] (0,0)--(4,0)--(4,2)--(0, 2);
         \draw[green!20, fill=green!20] (0,0 )--(4,2)--(0,2)--(0,0);
         \draw[blue!20, fill=blue!20] (0,0 )--(-4,1.1)--(-4,2)--(0, 2)--(0,0);
         \draw[yellow!20, fill=yellow!20] (0,0 )--(-4,0)--(-4,1.1)--(0,0);
         \draw [ -> ] (-4.6,0)--(4.6,0);
         \draw [ -> ](0,0)--(0,3.5);
         \draw [red,thick  ](0,0 )--(4,2);
         \draw [red,thick  ](0,0 )--(-4,1.1);
         \node    at (0,-0.3)  {$0$};
         \node    at (5,0)  {y};
         \node    at (0,3.8 )  {t};
         \node  [below]  at (1.3,1.8) {\footnotesize $0<\xi<2$};
         \node  [below]  at (-1.5,1.8) {\footnotesize $-1/4<\xi<0 $};
         \node  [below]  at (2.3,0.8) {\footnotesize $ \xi>2$};
         \node  [below]  at (-3,0.6) {\footnotesize $ \xi<-1/4 $};
         \node  [below]  at (-5,1.6) {\footnotesize $ \xi=-1/4 $};
         \node  [below]  at (4.7,2.3) {\footnotesize $ \xi=2 $};

         \draw[->, red](-5.5,0)--(5.5,0)node[right]{ \textcolor{black}{Re$z$}};
         \draw[->, red](0,-1.5)--(0,1.5)node[right]{\textcolor{black}{Im$z$}};
         \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
         \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};
         \coordinate (A) at (-4,0);
         \fill (A) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_4$};
         \coordinate (b) at (-2,0);
         \fill (b) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_3$};
         \coordinate (e) at (4,0);
         \fill (e) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_1$};
         \coordinate (f) at (2,0);
         \fill (f) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_2$};
         \draw[->,red](-5.5,0)--(5.5,0) node[right] {\textcolor{black}{ Re$z$}};
         \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
         \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};
         \coordinate (E) at (3,0);
         \fill (E) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_1$};
         \coordinate (R) at (-3,0);
         \fill (R) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_2$};

   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
      \draw[yellow!30, fill=yellow!20] (0,0)--(3,-0.5)--(3,0)--(0,0)--(-3,-0.5)--(-3,0)--(0,0);
      \draw[blue!30, fill=blue!20] (0,0)--(3,0.5)--(3,0)--(0,0)--(-3, 0.5)--(-3,0)--(0,0);
      \draw[->](-4,0)--(4,0)node[right]{ Re$z$};
      \draw[->](0,-3)--(0,3)node[above]{ Im$z$};
      \coordinate (C) at (-0.2,2.2);
      \coordinate (D) at (2.2,0.2);
      \fill (D) circle (0pt) node[right] {\footnotesize $\Upsilon_1$};
      \coordinate (J) at (-2.2,-0.2);
      \fill (J) circle (0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\Upsilon_3$};
      \coordinate (k) at (-2.2,0.2);
      \fill (k) circle (0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\Upsilon_2$};
      \coordinate (k) at (2.2,-0.2);
      \fill (k) circle (0pt) node[right] {\footnotesize $\Upsilon_4$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0.2,0);
      \fill (I) circle (0pt) node[below] {$0$};
      \draw[  ][->](0,0)--(-1.5,0);
      \draw[ ][->](-1.5,0)--(-2.8,0);
      \draw[ ][->](0,0)--(1.5,0);
      \draw[ ][->](1.5,0)--(2.8,0);
      \draw[ ][->](0,2.7)--(0,2.2);
      \draw[ ][->](0,1.6)--(0,0.8);
      \draw[ ][->](0,-2.7)--(0,-2.2);
      \draw[ ][->](0,-1.6)--(0,-0.8);
      \draw[ ](0,1) ellipse (0.8 and 0.5);
      \draw[ ](0,-1) ellipse (0.8 and 0.5);
      \coordinate (A) at (0.2,1);
      \fill (A) circle (0pt) node[right] {$+$};
      \coordinate (B) at (0.2,-1);
      \fill (B) circle (0pt) node[right] {$-$};
      \coordinate (C) at (2.5,1.8);
      \fill (C) circle (0pt) node[right] {$-$};
      \coordinate (D) at (2.5,-1.8);
      \fill (D) circle (0pt) node[right] {$+$};
      \coordinate (E) at (0,1.5);
      \fill (E) circle (1pt) ;
      \coordinate (F) at (0,-1.5);
      \fill (F) circle (1pt) ;
      \coordinate (G) at (0,-2);
      \fill (G) circle (1pt)node[right] {$-k_n$}; %node[right] {$-k_n$};
      \coordinate (H) at (0,2);
      \fill (H) circle (1pt) node[right] {$k_n$}; %node[right] {$\bar{k}_n$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0,1);
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) ;
      \coordinate (J) at (0,-1);
      \fill (J) circle (1pt) ;
                   % \coordinate (K) at (0.18,-1);
                    %\fill (K) circle (1pt) ;
                   % \coordinate (L) at (-0.18,-1);
                    %\fill (L) circle (1pt) ;
                    %\coordinate (M) at (0.613,0.679);
                    %\fill (M) circle (1pt) ;
                   % \coordinate (N) at (-0.613,0.679);
                   % \fill (N) circle (1pt) ;
                    %\coordinate (O) at (0.613,-0.679);
                    %\fill (O) circle (1pt) ;
                   % \coordinate (P) at (-0.613,-0.679);
                    %\fill (P) circle (1pt) ;
            %\coordinate (F) at (0.5546996232,-0.8320505887);
            %\coordinate (G) at (-2,3);
            %\coordinate (H) at (-2,-3);
            %\coordinate (K) at (1.7320508075688774,-1);
            %\coordinate (L) at (-1.7320508075688774,1);
            %\coordinate (M) at (-1.7320508075688774,-1);
            %\fill (F) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\frac{1}{z_n}$};
            %\fill (G) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-\bar{z}_n$};
            %\fill (H) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-z_n$};
            %\fill (J) circle (1pt) node[right] {$w_m$};
            %\fill (K) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\bar{w}_m$};
            %\fill (M) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-w_m$};

   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
      \draw[yellow!30, fill=yellow!20] (0,0)--(3,-0.5)--(3,0)--(0,0)--(-3,-0.5)--(-3,0)--(0,0);
      \draw[blue!30, fill=blue!20] (0,0)--(3,0.5)--(3,0)--(0,0)--(-3, 0.5)--(-3,0)--(0,0);
      \draw[->](-4,0)--(4,0)node[right]{ Re$z$};
      \draw[->](0,-3)--(0,3)node[above]{ Im$z$};
      \coordinate (C) at (-0.2,2.2);
      \coordinate (D) at (2.2,0.2);
      \fill (D) circle (0pt) node[right] {\footnotesize $\Upsilon_1$};
      \coordinate (J) at (-2.2,-0.2);
      \fill (J) circle (0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\Upsilon_3$};
      \coordinate (k) at (-2.2,0.2);
      \fill (k) circle (0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\Upsilon_2$};
      \coordinate (k) at (2.2,-0.2);
      \fill (k) circle (0pt) node[right] {\footnotesize $\Upsilon_4$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0.2,0);
      \fill (I) circle (0pt) node[below] {$0$};
      \draw[  ][->](0,0)--(-1.5,0);
      \draw[ ][->](-1.5,0)--(-2.8,0);
      \draw[ ][->](0,0)--(1.5,0);
      \draw[ ][->](1.5,0)--(2.8,0);
      \draw[ ][->](0,2.7)--(0,2.2);
      \draw[ ][->](0,1.6)--(0,0.8);
      \draw[ ][->](0,-2.7)--(0,-2.2);
      \draw[ ][->](0,-1.6)--(0,-0.8);
      \draw[ ](0,1) ellipse (0.8 and 0.5);
      \draw[ ](0,-1) ellipse (0.8 and 0.5);
      \coordinate (A) at (0.2,1);
      \fill (A) circle (0pt) node[right] {$+$};
      \coordinate (B) at (0.2,-1);
      \fill (B) circle (0pt) node[right] {$-$};
      \coordinate (C) at (2.5,1.8);
      \fill (C) circle (0pt) node[right] {$-$};
      \coordinate (D) at (2.5,-1.8);
      \fill (D) circle (0pt) node[right] {$+$};
      \coordinate (E) at (0,1.5);
      \fill (E) circle (1pt) ;
      \coordinate (F) at (0,-1.5);
      \fill (F) circle (1pt) ;
      \coordinate (G) at (0,-2);
      \fill (G) circle (1pt)node[right] {$-k_n$}; %node[right] {$-k_n$};
      \coordinate (H) at (0,2);
      \fill (H) circle (1pt) node[right] {$k_n$}; %node[right] {$\bar{k}_n$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0,1);
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) ;
      \coordinate (J) at (0,-1);
      \fill (J) circle (1pt) ;
      \draw[blue] (0,2) circle (0.15);
      \draw[blue] (0,-2) circle (0.15);
      \draw[blue] (0,1) circle (0.15);
      \draw[blue] (0,-1) circle (0.15);
                    %\fill (K) circle (1pt) ;
                   % \coordinate (L) at (-0.18,-1);
                    %\fill (L) circle (1pt) ;
                    %\coordinate (M) at (0.613,0.679);
                    %\fill (M) circle (1pt) ;
                   % \coordinate (N) at (-0.613,0.679);
                   % \fill (N) circle (1pt) ;
                    %\coordinate (O) at (0.613,-0.679);
                    %\fill (O) circle (1pt) ;
                   % \coordinate (P) at (-0.613,-0.679);
                    %\fill (P) circle (1pt) ;
            %\coordinate (F) at (0.5546996232,-0.8320505887);
            %\coordinate (G) at (-2,3);
            %\coordinate (H) at (-2,-3);
            %\coordinate (K) at (1.7320508075688774,-1);
            %\coordinate (L) at (-1.7320508075688774,1);
            %\coordinate (M) at (-1.7320508075688774,-1);
            %\fill (F) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\frac{1}{z_n}$};
            %\fill (G) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-\bar{z}_n$};
            %\fill (H) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-z_n$};
            %\fill (J) circle (1pt) node[right] {$w_m$};
            %\fill (K) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\bar{w}_m$};
            %\fill (M) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-w_m$};

         \draw[yellow!20, fill=yellow!20] (0,0)--(4.5,0)--(4.5,2)--(0, 2);
         \draw[blue!20, fill=green!20] (0,0 )--(4.5,2)--(0,2)--(0,0);
         \draw[blue!20, fill=green!20] (0,0 )--(-4.5,0)--(-4.5,2)--(0, 2)--(0,0);
         \draw[yellow!20, fill=yellow!20] (0,0 )--(-4.5,0)--(-4.5,2)--(0,0);
                  %\draw[CadetBlue!20, fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (0,0)--(2.5,0)--(2.5,2)--(0, 2);
                  %\draw[CadetBlue!20, fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (-2.5,0)--(0,0)--(0,2)--(-2.5, 2);
                  %\draw[GreenYellow!20, fill=YellowGreen!20] (-2.5,-2)--(0,-2)--(0,0)--(-2.5, 0);
                  %\draw[GreenYellow!20, fill=YellowGreen!20] (0,-2)--(2.5,-2)--(2.5,0)--(0, 0);
                  %\draw[CadetBlue!20, fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (-3.5,2.5)--(0,0)--(3.5,2.5);
                  %\draw[GreenYellow!20, fill=LightSteelBlue!] (-3.5,2.5)--(-3.5,0)--(0,0);
                  %\draw[GreenYellow!20, fill=LightSteelBlue!] (3.5,2.5)--(3.5,0)--(0,0);
         \draw [-> ](-5,0)--(5,0);
         \draw [-> ](0,0)--(0,2.8);
         \node    at (0.1,-0.3)  {$0$};
         \node    at (5.26,0)  { $x$};
         \node    at (0,3.2)  { $t$};
                  %\draw [dashed](0,0)--(-4,2);
                  %\draw [dashed](0,0)--(4,2);
         \node  [below]  at (4.4,2.7) {\small$\xi=1$};
         \node  [below]  at (-4.4,2.7) {\small$\xi=-1$};
                  %\node at (-0.1,1.5) {\small$|x/t|<2$};
         \draw [red](0,0)--(-4.5,2);
         \draw [red](0,0)--(4.5,2);
                  %\node  []  at (4,0.8) {\small$\xi=K$};
                  %\node  []  at (-4,0.8) {\small$\xi=-K$};
         \node  []  at (0.7,1.5) { $I$};
         \node  []  at (-0.7,1.5) { $I$};
         \node [] at (0,0.85) {Solitonic region};
         \node  []  at (-3.2,0.9) { $II$};
         \node [] at (-2.8,0.3) {Solitonless region};
         \node  []  at (3.2,0.9) { $II$};
         \node [] at (2.8,0.3) {Solitonless region};

                  %\draw[CadetBlue!20, fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (0,0)--(2.5,0)--(2.5,2)--(0, 2);
                  %\draw[CadetBlue!20, fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (-2.5,0)--(0,0)--(0,2)--(-2.5, 2);
                  %\draw[GreenYellow!20, fill=YellowGreen!20] (-2.5,-2)--(0,-2)--(0,0)--(-2.5, 0);
                  %\draw[GreenYellow!20, fill=YellowGreen!20] (0,-2)--(2.5,-2)--(2.5,0)--(0, 0);
         \draw [-> ](-3.5,0)--(3.5,0);
         \draw [-> ](0,-2.8)--(0,2.8);
         \node    at (0.3,-0.3)  {$0$};
         \node    at (4,0)  { Re$z$};
         \node    at (0,3.2)  { Im$z$};
         \node  [below]  at (1.3,1.2) {$\mathbb{C}^+$};
         \node  [below]  at (-1.2,1.2) {$\mathbb{C}^+$};
         \node  [below]  at (-1.2,-0.8) {$\mathbb{C}^-$};
         \node  [below]  at (1.3,-0.8) {$\mathbb{C}^-$};

      \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
         \foreach \x [count=\p] in {0,...,11} {
         \node[shape=circle,fill=red, scale=0.25] (\p) at (-\x*30:2) {};};
         \foreach \x [count=\p] in {0,...,5} {
         \draw (-\x*60:2.4) ;
         \draw (-30-\x*60:2.4) ;};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.15]  at (0:2){0};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.15]  at (-6*30:2){0} ;
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue,scale=0.15] at (0,0) {0};
         \node[below] at (2.1,0) {$1$};
         \node[below] at (0,0) {$0$};
         \node[below] at (-2.2,0) {$-1$};
         \node[right] at (1*30:2) {$z_j$};
         \node[right] at (-1*30:2) {$\bar{z}_j$};
                  % \node[left] at (5*30:2) {$\bar{z}_k$};
                  % \node[left] at (-5*30:2) {$z_j$};
         \draw [dashed, gray](1) arc (0:360:2);

      \subfigure[$ \xi>1$]{
                                  %[node distance=2cm]
                      %\draw [yellow!10, fill=yellow!10] (5.6,0)--(5.6,2.6)--(3.3,2.6)--(3.7,0);
                      % \draw [yellow!10, fill=yellow!10] (-4,0)--(-4,-2.6)--(3.3,-2.6)--(3.7,0);
         \draw [dashed  ] (3.3,2.6) to [out=-75,in=90] (3.75,0);
         \draw [dashed  ] (3.3,-2.6) to [out=75,in=-95] (3.75,0);
                     %\filldraw[white](0,0)--(1.2,0) arc (0:-180:0.6);
         \foreach \x [count=\p] in {1,...,5} {
         \node[shape=circle,fill=red, scale=0.15] (\p) at (\x*30:2) {};
         \draw[red,line width=0.5] (\x*30:2) circle (0.2);
         \draw[red, ->] (\x*30:2)+(0.2,0) arc (0:90:0.2);
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.15] (\p) at (180+\x*30:2) {};
         \draw[blue,line width=0.5] (180+\x*30:2) circle (0.2);
         \draw[blue, ->] (180+\x*30:2)+(-0.2,0) arc (180:90:0.2);
                           %   \draw[red,line width = 0.5](-1.8,0) arc(0:180:0.2);
                           %   \draw[red,->] (-1.8,0) arc(0:90:0.2);
                           %   \node[shape=circle,fill=black, scale=0.15] at (-2,0){};
                          %    \draw[red,line width = 0.5](2.2,0) arc(0:180:0.2);
                           %   \draw[red,->] (2.2,0) arc(0:90:0.2);
                           %  \node[shape=circle,fill=black, scale=0.15] at (2,0){};
                           %   \draw[blue,line width = 0.5](-2.15,0) arc(180:360:0.15);
                          %    \draw[blue,line width = 0.5](1.85,0) arc(180:360:0.15);
                             % \draw[red,line width=0.2] (\p) arc (0:360:0.2)
                              %\foreach \x [count=\p] in {0,...,5} {
                             %         \draw (-\x*60:2.4);
                              %        \draw (-30-\x*60:2.4) ;};
                                %  \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.15]  at (0:2){0};
                                %  \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.15]  at (-6*30:2){0} ;
                                %  \node[shape=circle,fill=blue,scale=0.15] at (-0.05,0) {0};
                                  %\node[below] at (2.15,0.05) {\footnotesize $1$};
         \node[below] at (-0.1,0) {\footnotesize $0$};
         \node[below] at (-2.3,0) {\footnotesize $-1$};
         \node[right] at (1.2,1.8) {$z_j$};
                              %    \draw[red,line width=0.2] (1,1.8) arc (0:360:0.2);
         \node[right] at (1.2,-1.8) {$\bar{z}_j$};
                              % \node[left] at (5*30:2) {$\bar{z}_k$};
                              % \node[left] at (-5*30:2) {$z_k$};
         \draw [dashed, gray] (0,0) circle (2);
                              %    \draw [dashed, gray](1) arc (0:360:2);
         \draw [dashed] (0.8,0) circle [radius=0.8];
         \draw [ blue] (-4, -1.5)--(0.8,0.35);
         \draw [ blue] (0.8,0.35 )--(2.7,-0.5);
         \draw [-latex,blue] (0.8,0.35 )--(2.2,-0.265);
         \draw [ blue] (2.7,-0.5)--(5.5, 0.75);
         \draw [-latex, blue] (2.7,-0.5)--(4.6, 0.35);
         \draw [-latex,blue] (-4, -1.5)--(-1.25,-0.44 );
         \draw [ red] (0.8,-0.35)--(2.7, 0.5);
         \draw [-latex,red] (0.8,-0.35 )--(2.2,0.265);
         \draw [ red] (2.7,0.5)--(5.5, -0.75);
         \draw [ red] (-4, 1.5)--(0.8,-0.35 );
         \draw [-latex,red] (2.7, 0.5)--(4.6, -0.35);
         \draw [-latex,red] (-4,  1.5)--(-1.25, 0.44 );
         \node[blue,thick]  at (4.5,1.2) {\bf  $+$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (4.5,-1.2) {\bf  $-$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (2.6,1.2) {\bf  $-$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (2.6,-1.2) {\bf  $+$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (0,1.2) {\small\bf $-$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (0,-1.2) {\small\bf $+$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (0.8,0.5) {\tiny\bf $+$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (0.8,-0.5) {\tiny\bf $-$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (-3,-1.3) {\bf  $+$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (-3,1.3) {\bf  $-$};
         \node[below] at (3.9,0) {\footnotesize $\xi_2$};
         \node[below] at (1.73,0) {\footnotesize $\xi_1$};
         \node  at (5.6,1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{21}$};
         \node  at (5.6,-1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{24}$};
         \node  at (3.3,0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{22}$};
         \node  at (3.3,-0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{23}$};
         \node  at (2.2,0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{12}$};
         \node  at (2.3,-0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{13}$};
         \node  at (-3.6,1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{02}$};
         \node  at (-3.6,-1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{03}$};
         \node  at (1.3,0.3) {\tiny $\Sigma_{11}$};
         \node  at (0.35,0.3) {\tiny $\Sigma_{01}$};
         \node  at (1.23,-0.4) {\tiny $\Sigma_{14}$};
         \node  at (0.35,-0.4) {\tiny $\Sigma_{04}$};
      \subfigure[$ \xi<-1$]{
                                  %[node distance=2cm]
                      %\draw [yellow!10, fill=yellow!10] (5.6,0)--(5.6,2.6)--(3.3,2.6)--(3.7,0);
                      % \draw [yellow!10, fill=yellow!10] (-4,0)--(-4,-2.6)--(3.3,-2.6)--(3.7,0);
         \draw [dashed  ] (-3.3,2.6) to [out=75,in=90] (-3.8,0);
         \draw [dashed  ] (-3.3,-2.6) to [out=-75,in=-95] (-3.8,0);
                     %\filldraw[white](0,0)--(1.2,0) arc (0:-180:0.6);
         \foreach \x [count=\p] in {1,...,5} {
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.15] (\p) at (\x*30:2) {};
         \draw[blue,line width=0.5] (\x*30:2) circle (0.2);
         \draw[blue, ->] (\x*30:2)+(-0.2,0) arc (180:90:0.2);
         \node[shape=circle,fill=red, scale=0.15] (\p) at (180+\x*30:2) {};
         \draw[red,line width=0.5] (180+\x*30:2) circle (0.2);
         \draw[red, ->] (180+\x*30:2)+(0.2,0) arc (0:90:0.2);
                              %    \foreach \x [count=\p] in {0,...,11} {
                              %\node[shape=circle,fill=red, scale=0.25] (\p) at (-\x*30:2) {};};
                               %   \foreach \x [count=\p] in {0,...,5} {
                               %       \draw (-\x*60:2.4);
                               %       \draw (-30-\x*60:2.4) ;};
                              %    \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.15]  at (0:2){0};
                              %    \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.15]  at (-6*30:2){0} ;
                              %\node[shape=circle,fill=blue,scale=0.15] at (0.05,0) {0};
         \node[below] at (2.1,0.05) {\footnotesize $1$};
         \node[below] at (0.1,0) {\footnotesize $0$};
                                  % \node[below] at (-2.3,0) {\footnotesize $-1$};
         \node[right] at (1.2,1.8) {$z_j$};
         \node[right] at (1.2,-1.8) {$\bar{z}_j$};
                              % \node[left] at (5*30:2) {$\bar{z}_k$};
                              % \node[left] at (-5*30:2) {$z_k$};
         \draw [dashed, gray] (0,0) circle (2);
         \draw [dashed] (-0.8,0) circle [radius=0.8];
         \draw [ red] (4, -1.5)--(-0.8,0.35);
         \draw [ red] (-0.8,0.35 )--(-2.7,-0.5);
         \draw [-latex,red] (-2.7,-0.5)--(-2,-0.175);
         \draw [ red] (-2.7,-0.5)--(-5.5, 0.75);
         \draw [-latex, red] (-5.5, 0.75)--(-4.6, 0.35);
         \draw [-latex,red] (-0.8,0.35 )--(1.25,-0.44 );
         \draw [ blue] (-0.8,-0.35)--(-2.7, 0.5);
         \draw [-latex,blue] (-2.7, 0.5)--(-2,0.175);
         \draw [blue] (-2.7,0.5)--(-5.5, -0.75);
         \draw [blue] (4, 1.5)--(-0.8,-0.35 );
         \draw [-latex,blue] (-5.5, -0.75)--(-4.6, -0.35);
         \draw [-latex,blue] (-0.8,-0.35 )--(1.25, 0.44 );
         \node[red,thick]  at (-4.5,1.2) {\bf  $-$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (-4.5,-1.2) {\bf  $+$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (2.6,1.2) {\bf  $+$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (2.6,-1.2) {\bf  $-$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (0,1.2) {\small\bf $+$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (0,-1.2) {\small\bf $-$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (-0.8,0.5) {\tiny\bf $-$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (-0.8,-0.5) {\tiny\bf $+$};
         \node[red,thick]  at (-3,-1.2) {\bf  $-$};
         \node[blue,thick]  at (-3,1.2) {\bf  $+$};
         \node[below] at (-3.9,0) {\footnotesize $\xi_2$};
         \node[below] at (-1.73,0) {\footnotesize $\xi_1$};
         \node  at (-5.6,1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{22}$};
         \node  at (-5.6,-1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{23}$};
         \node  at (-3.2,0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{21}$};
         \node  at (-3.2,-0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{24}$};
         \node  at (-2.3,0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{11}$};
         \node  at (-2.3,-0.65) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{14}$};
         \node  at (3.6,1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{01}$};
         \node  at (3.6,-1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{04}$};
         \node  at (-1.3,0.3) {\tiny $\Sigma_{12}$};
         \node  at (-0.35,0.3) {\tiny $\Sigma_{02}$};
         \node  at (-1.23,-0.4) {\tiny $\Sigma_{13}$};
         \node  at (-0.35,-0.4) {\tiny $\Sigma_{03}$};

      \subfigure[$ \xi>1$]{
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (2,0)--(3,1)--(3,0);
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (2,0)--(1,-1)--(1,0);
         \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (0,0)--(1,1)--(1,0);    
         \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (0,0)--(-1,-1)--(-1,0);
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (-2,0)--(-1,1)--(-1,0);    
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (-2,0)--(-3,-1)--(-3,0);
         \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (2,0)--(1,1)--(1,0);    \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (2,0)--(3,-1)--(3,0);
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (0,0)--(1,-1)--(1,0);    \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (0,0)--(-1,1)--(-1,0);
         \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (-2,0)--(-1,-1)--(-1,0);    \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (-2,0)--(-3,1)--(-3,0);
         \node[below, scale=0.6] at (0,0) {$\xi_1$};
         \node[below, scale=0.6]   at (-2,0) {$0$};
         \node[below, scale=0.6]  at (2,0) {$\xi_2$};
         \node[below, scale=0.6]  at (-1,0) {$\xi_{0,1}$};
         \node[below, scale=0.6]  at (1,0) {$\xi_{1,2}$};
         \draw[]    (0.5,-0.5)--(1,-1);
         \node[scale=0.6] at (2.8,0.38) {$\Omega_{21}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.5] at (2.38,0.78) {$\Sigma_{21}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (2.8,-0.38) {$\Omega_{24}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (2.38,-0.78) {$\Sigma_{24}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (1.3,0.3) {$\Omega_{22}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (1.6,0.78) {$\Sigma_{22}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (1.3,-0.32) {$\Omega_{23}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (1.6,-0.78) {$\Sigma_{23}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (0.72,0.3) {$\Omega_{12}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (0.45,0.8) {$\Sigma_{12}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (0.72,-0.32) {$\Omega_{13}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (0.45,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{13}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-0.7,0.3) {$\Omega_{11}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-0.45,0.8) {$\Sigma_{11}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-0.68,-0.32) {$\Omega_{14}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-0.4,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{14}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-1.3,0.3) {$\Omega_{01}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-1.6,0.8) {$\Sigma_{01}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-1.4,-0.3) {$\Omega_{04}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-1.6,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{04}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-2.8,0.3) {$\Omega_{02}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-3.1,0.8) {$\Sigma_{02}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-2.8,-0.25) {$\Omega_{03}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-3.2,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{03}$};
         \draw[ ->](-4,0)--(4,0)node[black,right]{Re$z$};
      \subfigure[$ \xi<-1$]{
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (2,0)--(3,1)--(3,0);
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (2,0)--(1,-1)--(1,0);
         \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (0,0)--(1,1)--(1,0);    
         \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (0,0)--(-1,-1)--(-1,0);
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (-2,0)--(-1,1)--(-1,0);    
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (-2,0)--(-3,-1)--(-3,0);
         \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (2,0)--(1,1)--(1,0);    \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (2,0)--(3,-1)--(3,0);
         \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (0,0)--(1,-1)--(1,0);    \draw[Blue!10,fill=LightSteelBlue!] (0,0)--(-1,1)--(-1,0);
         \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (-2,0)--(-1,-1)--(-1,0);    \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (-2,0)--(-3,1)--(-3,0);    \draw[CadetBlue!20,fill=LightSteelBlue!20] (-2,0)--(-3,1)--(-3,0);
         \node[below, scale=0.6] at (0,0) {$\xi_1$};
         \node[below, scale=0.6]   at (-2,0) {$\xi_2$};
         \node[below, scale=0.6]  at (2,0) {$0$};
         \node[below, scale=0.6]  at (-1,0) {$\xi_{0,1}$};
         \node[below, scale=0.6]  at (1,0) {$\xi_{1,2}$};
         \draw[]    (0.5,-0.5)--(1,-1);
         \node[scale=0.6] at (2.8,0.38) {$\Omega_{01}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.5] at (2.38,0.78) {$\Sigma_{21}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (2.8,-0.38) {$\Omega_{04}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (2.38,-0.78) {$\Sigma_{24}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (1.3,0.3) {$\Omega_{02}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (1.6,0.78) {$\Sigma_{22}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (1.3,-0.32) {$\Omega_{03}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (1.6,-0.78) {$\Sigma_{23}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (0.72,0.3) {$\Omega_{12}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (0.45,0.8) {$\Sigma_{12}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (0.72,-0.32) {$\Omega_{13}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (0.45,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{13}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-0.7,0.3) {$\Omega_{11}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-0.45,0.8) {$\Sigma_{11}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-0.68,-0.32) {$\Omega_{14}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-0.4,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{14}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-1.3,0.3) {$\Omega_{21}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-1.6,0.8) {$\Sigma_{01}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-1.4,-0.3) {$\Omega_{24}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-1.6,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{04}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-2.8,0.3) {$\Omega_{22}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-3.1,0.8) {$\Sigma_{02}$};
         \node[scale=0.6] at (-2.8,-0.25) {$\Omega_{23}$};
                           %    \node[scale=0.7] at (-3.2,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{03}$};
         \draw[ ->](-4,0)--(4,0)node[black,right]{Re$z$};

      \subfigure[\footnotesize\ \ $ \xi>1$]{
         \draw[dashed,blue](-1,0) circle (0.65);
         \node at    ( 2,0.9) {\footnotesize $ \mathcal{U}_{\xi_2}$};
         \node at    (-1,0.9) {\footnotesize $ \mathcal{U}_{\xi_1}$};
         \draw[->,dashed](-4,0)--(4,0)node[right]{ \textcolor{black}{Re$z$}};
         \draw[dashed,blue](2,0) circle (0.65);
         \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
         \fill[red] (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$1$};
         \coordinate (b) at (-1,0);
         \fill (b) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_1$};
         \coordinate (f) at (2,0);
         \fill (f) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_2$};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=red,scale=0.11] at (-2.3,0) {0};
         \node[below,red] at (-2.5,0) {$0$};
      \subfigure[\footnotesize \ \ $ \xi<-1$]{
         \draw[->,dashed](-4,0)--(4,0)node[right]{ \textcolor{black}{Re$z$}};
         \coordinate (I) at (1,0);
         \fill[red] (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$-1$};
                  % \coordinate (A) at (-4,0);
                  %     \fill (A) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_4$};
         \coordinate (b) at (-1,0);
         \fill (b) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_2$};
                  %     \coordinate (e) at (4,0);
                  % \fill (e) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_1$};
         \coordinate (f) at (2,0);
         \fill (f) circle (1pt) node[blue,below] {$\xi_1$};
                  % \coordinate (c) at (2,0);
                  % \fill[red] (c) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=red,scale=0.11] at (3.3,0) {0};
         \node[below,red] at (3.5,0) {$0$};
         \draw[dashed,blue](2,0) circle (0.65);
         \draw[dashed,blue](-1,0) circle (0.65);

      \subfigure[The \ region $ \xi>1$]{
                  %\draw [dashed  ] (3.3,2.6) to [out=-75,in=90] (3.75,0);
                  %\draw [dashed  ] (3.3,-2.6) to [out=75,in=-95] (3.75,0);
         \foreach \x [count=\p] in {1,...,5} {
         \node[shape=circle,fill=black, scale=0.15] (\p) at (\x*30:2) {};
         \draw[line width=0.5] (\x*30:2) circle (0.2);
         \draw[ ->] (\x*30:2)+(0.2,0) arc (0:90:0.2);
         \node[shape=circle,fill=black, scale=0.15] (\p) at (180+\x*30:2) {};
         \draw[line width=0.5] (180+\x*30:2) circle (0.2);
         \draw[ ->] (180+\x*30:2)+(-0.2,0) arc (180:90:0.2);
         \node[below] at (-0.1,0) {\footnotesize $0$};
         \node[below] at (-2.3,0) {\footnotesize $-1$};
         \node[right] at (1.2,1.8) {$z_j$};
         \node[right] at (1.2,-1.8) {$\bar{z}_j$};
         \draw [dashed, gray] (0,0) circle (2);
         \draw [red,line width=0.5] (1.65,0) circle (0.35);
         \node[shape=circle,fill=black, scale=0.2]  at (1.7,0) {};
         \node[below] at (1.73,0) {\tiny $\xi_1$};
         \draw [red,line width=0.5] (3.8,0) circle (0.35);
         \node[shape=circle,fill=black, scale=0.2]  at (3.8,0) {};
         \node[below] at (3.8,0) {\tiny $\xi_2$};
         \draw  (-4, -1.5)--(0.8,0.35);
         \draw  (2,-0.14 )--(2.7,-0.5);
         \draw  (0.8,0.35 )--(1.3,0.12);
         \draw [-latex] (2,-0.14 )--(2.2,-0.265);
         \draw  (2.7,-0.5)--(3.5, -0.09);
         \draw (2.7,0.5)--(3.52, 0.12);
         \draw  (4.1,0.09)--(5.5, 0.75);
         \draw [-latex]  (4.1,0.09)--(4.7, 0.373);
                                      %\draw [-latex] (2.7,-0.5)--(4.6, 0.35);
         \draw (0.8,-0.35)--(1.3, -0.12);
         \draw [-latex] (2,0.14 )--(2.2,0.265);
         \draw  (2,0.14 )--(2.7,0.5);
         \draw (4.1,-0.09)--(5.5, -0.818);
         \draw [-latex] (4.1, -0.09)--(4.6, -0.35);
         \draw [-latex] (-4, -1.5)--(-1.25,-0.44 );
         \draw (-4, 1.5)--(0.8,-0.35 );
         \draw [-latex] (-4,  1.5)--(-1.25, 0.44 );
                                               % \node[blue,thick]  at (4.5,1.2) {\bf  $+$};
                                               %    \node[red,thick]  at (4.5,-1.2) {\bf  $-$};
                                               %      \node[red,thick]  at (2.6,1.2) {\bf  $-$};
                                               %    \node[blue,thick]  at (2.6,-1.2) {\bf  $+$};
                                               %    \node[red,thick]  at (0,1.2) {\small\bf $-$};
                                               %    \node[blue,thick]  at (0,-1.2) {\small\bf $+$};
                                               %     \node[blue,thick]  at (0.8,0.5) {\tiny\bf $+$};
                                               %        \node[red,thick]  at (0.8,-0.5) {\tiny\bf $-$};
                                               %        \node[blue,thick]  at (-3,-1.3) {\bf  $+$};
                                               %        \node[red,thick]  at (-3,1.3) {\bf  $-$};
         \node  at (5.6,1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{21}$};
         \node  at (5.6,-1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{24}$};
         \node  at (3.3,0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{22}$};
         \node  at (3.3,-0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{23}$};
         \node  at (2.2,0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{12}$};
         \node  at (2.3,-0.6) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{13}$};
         \node  at (-3.6,1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{02}$};
         \node  at (-3.6,-1) {\footnotesize $\Sigma_{03}$};
         \node  at (1.2,0.4) {\tiny $\Sigma_{11}$};
         \node  at (0.35,0.4) {\tiny $\Sigma_{01}$};
         \node  at (1.23,-0.4) {\tiny $\Sigma_{14}$};
         \node  at (0.35,-0.4) {\tiny $\Sigma_{04}$};
      \subfigure[The \ region  $ \xi<-1$]{
                  %\draw [dashed  ] (-3.3,2.6) to [out=75,in=90] (-3.8,0);
                  %\draw [dashed  ] (-3.3,-2.6) to [out=-75,in=-95] (-3.8,0);
         \foreach \x [count=\p] in {1,...,5} {
         \node[shape=circle,fill=black, scale=0.15] (\p) at (\x*30:2) {};
         \draw[line width=0.5] (\x*30:2) circle (0.2);
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                  %           \draw [dashed] (-0.8,0) circle [radius=0.8];
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      \fill (7r) circle (0pt) node[above] {\tiny$\Omega_{71}$};
      \coordinate (r17) at (-3.4,0.05);
      \fill (r17) circle (0pt) node[below] {\tiny$\Omega_{72}$};
      \coordinate (t6) at (-2.7,-0.1);
      \fill (t6) circle (0pt) node[above] {\tiny$\Omega_{61}$};
      \coordinate (t16) at (-2.7,0.05);
      \fill (t16) circle (0pt) node[below] {\tiny$\Omega_{62}$};
      \coordinate (y6) at (-1.75,-0.1);
      \fill (y6) circle (0pt) node[above] {\tiny$\Omega_{64}$};
      \coordinate (y16) at (-1.75,0.1);
      \fill (y16) circle (0pt) node[below] {\tiny$\Omega_{63}$};
      \coordinate (l5) at (-1.26,-0.1);
      \fill (l5) circle (0pt) node[above] {\tiny$\Omega_{54}$};
      \coordinate (l15) at (-1.26,0.1);
      \fill (l15) circle (0pt) node[below] {\tiny$\Omega_{53}$};
      \coordinate (k5) at (-0.3,-0.1);
      \fill (k5) circle (0pt) node[above] {\tiny$\Omega_{51}$};
      \coordinate (k15) at (-0.3,0.1);
      \fill (k15) circle (0pt) node[below] {\tiny$\Omega_{52}$};

   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
      \draw[pink!30, fill=pink!30] (0,0)--(3,-0.5)--(3,0.5)--(0,0)--(-3,-0.5)--(-3,0.5)--(0,0);
      \draw[->](-4,0)--(4,0)node[right]{ Re$z$};
      \draw[->](0,-3)--(0,3)node[above]{ Im$z$};
      \coordinate (C) at (-0.2,2.2);
      \coordinate (D) at (2.2,0.2);
      \fill (D) circle (0pt) node[right] {\footnotesize $\Omega_1$};
      \coordinate (J) at (-2.2,-0.2);
      \fill (J) circle (0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\Omega_3$};
      \coordinate (k) at (-2.2,0.2);
      \fill (k) circle (0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\Omega_2$};
      \coordinate (k) at (2.2,-0.2);
      \fill (k) circle (0pt) node[right] {\footnotesize $\Omega_4$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0.2,0);
      \fill (I) circle (0pt) node[below] {$0$};
      \draw[red] (2,0) arc (0:360:2);
      \draw[blue] (2,3) circle (0.12);
      \coordinate (A) at (2,3);
      \coordinate (B) at (2,-3);
      \coordinate (C) at (-0.5546996232,0.8320505887);
      \coordinate (D) at (-0.5546996232,-0.8320505887);
      \coordinate (E) at (0.5546996232,0.8320505887);
      \coordinate (F) at (0.5546996232,-0.8320505887);
      \coordinate (G) at (-2,3);
      \coordinate (H) at (-2,-3);
      \coordinate (I) at (2,0);
      \draw[blue] (2,-3) circle (0.12);
      \draw[blue] (-0.55469962326,0.8320505887) circle (0.12);
      \draw[blue] (0.5546996232,0.8320505887) circle (0.12);
      \draw[blue] (-0.5546996232,-0.8320505887) circle (0.12);
      \draw[blue] (0.5546996232,-0.8320505887) circle (0.12);
      \draw[blue] (-2,3) circle (0.12);
      \draw[blue] (-2,-3) circle (0.12);
      \coordinate (J) at (1.7320508075688774,1);
      \coordinate (K) at (1.7320508075688774,-1);
      \coordinate (L) at (-1.7320508075688774,1);
      \coordinate (M) at (-1.7320508075688774,-1);
      \fill (A) circle (1pt) node[right] {$z_n$};
      \fill (B) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\bar{z}_n$};
      \fill (C) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-\frac{1}{z_n}$};
      \fill (D) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-\frac{1}{\bar{z}_n}$};
      \fill (E) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\frac{1}{\bar{z}_n}$};
      \fill (F) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\frac{1}{z_n}$};
      \fill (G) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-\bar{z}_n$};
      \fill (H) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-z_n$};
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[above] {$1$};
      \fill (J) circle (1pt) node[right] {$w_m$};
      \fill (K) circle (1pt) node[right] {$\bar{w}_m$};
      \fill (L) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-\bar{w}_m$};
      \fill (M) circle (1pt) node[left] {$-w_m$};

      \draw[dashed](-5,0)--(5,0)node[right]{ Re$z$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};
      \coordinate (A) at (-4,0);
      \fill (A) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_4$};
      \coordinate (b) at (-1,0);
      \fill (b) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_3$};
      \coordinate (e) at (4,0);
      \fill (e) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_1$};
      \coordinate (f) at (1,0);
      \fill (f) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_2$};
      \coordinate (c) at (-2,0);
      \fill[red] (c) circle (1pt) node[below] {\scriptsize$-1$};
      \coordinate (d) at (2,0);
      \fill[red] (d) circle (1pt) node[below] {\scriptsize$1$};
      \draw[dashed](-6.5,0)--(6.5,0)node[right]{ Re$z$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};
      \coordinate (c) at (-3,0);
      \fill[red] (c) circle (1pt) node[below] {\scriptsize$-1$};
      \coordinate (D) at (3,0);
      \fill[red] (D) circle (1pt) node[below] {\scriptsize$1$};
      \coordinate (A) at (-5.4,0);
      \fill (A) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_8$};
      \coordinate (b) at (-4,0);
      \fill (b) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_7$};
      \coordinate (C) at (-0.8,0);
      \fill (C) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_5$};
      \coordinate (d) at (-2.2,0);
      \fill (d) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_6$};
      \coordinate (E) at (5.4,0);
      \fill (E) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_1$};
      \coordinate (R) at (4,0);
      \fill (R) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_2$};
      \coordinate (T) at (0.8,0);
      \fill (T) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_4$};
      \coordinate (Y) at (2.2,0);
      \fill (Y) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_3$};

   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
      \draw[dashed](-3.8,0)--(3.8,0)node[right]{\scriptsize Re$z$};
      \coordinate (A) at (-1.2,0.5);
      \coordinate (B) at (-1.2,-0.5);
      \coordinate (G) at (1.4,0.5);
      \coordinate (H) at (1.4,-0.5);
      \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
      \fill (A) circle (0pt) node[left] {\scriptsize$\left(
         1 & -\frac{\bar{r}(\xi_1)}{1+|r(\xi_1)|^2}T_1(\xi)^{-2}(z-\xi_1)^{-2i\nu(\xi_1)}e^{2it\theta}\\
         0 & 1
      \fill (B) circle (0pt) node[left] {\scriptsize$\left(
         1 & 0\\
         \frac{r(\xi_1)}{1+|r(\xi_1)|^2}T_1(\xi)^{2}(z-\xi_1)^{2i\nu(\xi_1)}e^{-2it\theta} & 1
      \fill (G) circle (0pt) node[right] {\scriptsize$\left(
         1& \bar{r}(\xi_1)T_1(\xi)^{-2}(z-\xi_1)^{-2i\nu(\xi_1)}e^{2it\theta}\\
      \fill (H) circle (0pt) node[right] {\scriptsize$\left(
         1 & 0\\
         -r(\xi_1)T_1(\xi)^{2}(z-\xi_1)^{2i\nu(\xi_1)}e^{-2it\theta} & 1
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_1$};
   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
      \draw[](0,2.7) node[above]{$\xi\in(-0.25,0)$};
      \draw[dashed](-3.8,0)--(3.8,0)node[right]{\scriptsize Re$z$};
      \coordinate (A) at (1,0.5);
      \coordinate (B) at (1,-0.5);
      \coordinate (G) at (-1,0.5);
      \coordinate (H) at (-1,-0.5);
      \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
      \fill (A) circle (0pt) node[right] {\scriptsize$\left(
         1 & -\frac{\bar{r}(\xi_1)}{1+|r(\xi_1)|^2}T_1(\xi)^{-2}(z-\xi_1)^{-2i\nu(\xi_1)}e^{2it\theta}\\
         0 & 1
      \fill (B) circle (0pt) node[right] {\scriptsize$\left(
         1 & 0\\
         \frac{r(\xi_1)}{1+|r(\xi_1)|^2}T_1(\xi)^{2}(z-\xi_1)^{2i\nu(\xi_1)}e^{-2it\theta} & 1
      \fill (G) circle (0pt) node[left] {\scriptsize$\left(
         1& \bar{r}(\xi_1)T_1(\xi)^{-2}(z-\xi_1)^{-2i\nu(\xi_1)}e^{2it\theta}\\
      \fill (H) circle (0pt) node[left] {\scriptsize$\left(
         1 & 0\\
         -r(\xi_1)T_1(\xi)^{2}(z-\xi_1)^{2i\nu(\xi_1)}e^{-2it\theta} & 1
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_1$};

   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
      \draw[->](0,0)--(2,1.2)node[above]{$\mathbb{R}^+e^{\varphi i}$};
      \draw[->](0,0)--(2,-1.2)node[below]{$\mathbb{R}^+e^{-\varphi i}$};
      \draw[dashed](-2,0)--(2,0)node[right]{\scriptsize Re$z$};
      \coordinate (A) at (-1.2,0.5);
      \coordinate (B) at (-1.2,-0.5);
      \coordinate (G) at (1.4,0.5);
      \coordinate (H) at (1.4,-0.5);
      \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};
   \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
      \draw[](0,2.7) node[above]{$\xi\in(-0.25,0)$};
      \draw[->](0,0)--(2,1.5)node[above]{$\mathbb{R}^+e^{\varphi i}$};
      \draw[dashed](-2,0)--(2,0)node[right]{\scriptsize Re$z$};
      \coordinate (A) at (1,0.5);
      \coordinate (B) at (1,-0.5);
      \coordinate (G) at (-1,0.5);
      \coordinate (H) at (-1,-0.5);
      \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};

      \draw[dashed](-5,0)--(5,0)node[right]{ Re$z$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};
      \coordinate (A) at (-4,0);
      \fill (A) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_4$};
      \coordinate (b) at (-1,0);
      \fill (b) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_3$};
      \coordinate (e) at (4,0);
      \fill (e) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_1$};
      \coordinate (f) at (1,0);
      \draw[thick,red](1,0) circle (0.4);
      \fill (f) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_2$};
      \draw[thick,red](4,0) circle (0.4);
      \draw[thick,red](-1,0) circle (0.4);
      \draw[thick,red](-4,0) circle (0.4);
      \coordinate (c) at (-2,0);
      \fill[red] (c) circle (1pt) node[below] {\scriptsize$-1$};
      \coordinate (d) at (2,0);
      \fill[red] (d) circle (1pt) node[below] {\scriptsize$1$};
      \draw[dashed](-6.5,0)--(6.5,0)node[right]{ Re$z$};
      \coordinate (I) at (0,0);
      \fill (I) circle (1pt) node[below] {$0$};
      \coordinate (c) at (-3,0);
      \fill[red] (c) circle (1pt) node[below] {\scriptsize$-1$};
      \coordinate (D) at (3,0);
      \fill[red] (D) circle (1pt) node[below] {\scriptsize$1$};
      \coordinate (A) at (-5.4,0);
      \fill (A) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_8$};
      \draw[thick,red](-5.4,0) circle (0.3);
      \coordinate (b) at (-4,0);
      \draw[thick,red](-4,0) circle (0.3);
      \fill (b) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_7$};
      \coordinate (C) at (-0.8,0);
      \draw[thick,red](-0.8,0) circle (0.3);
      \fill (C) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_5$};
      \coordinate (d) at (-2.2,0);
      \draw[thick,red](-2.2,0) circle (0.3);
      \fill (d) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_6$};
      \coordinate (E) at (5.4,0);
      \draw[thick,red](5.4,0) circle (0.3);
      \fill (E) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_1$};
      \coordinate (R) at (4,0);
      \draw[thick,red](4,0) circle (0.3);
      \fill (R) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_2$};
      \coordinate (T) at (0.8,0);
      \draw[thick,red](0.8,0) circle (0.3);
      \fill (T) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_4$};
      \coordinate (Y) at (2.2,0);
      \draw[thick,red](2.2,0) circle (0.3);
      \fill (Y) circle (1pt) node[below] {$\xi_3$};

      \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
         \draw[dashed] (2,0) arc (0:360:2);
         \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
         \coordinate (B) at (2,0);
         \coordinate (C) at (-2,0);
         \coordinate (G) at (-2.2,2.2);
         \coordinate (H) at (0,-2);
         \coordinate (I) at (0,2);
         \coordinate (J) at (1.414213562373095,1.414213562373095);
         \coordinate (K) at (1.414213562373095,-1.414213562373095);
         \coordinate (L) at (-1.414213562373095,1.414213562373095);
         \coordinate (M) at (-1.414213562373095,-1.414213562373095);
         \fill[blue] (A) circle (1.5pt) node[below right]  {\textcolor{black}{ $0$}  };
         \fill[green] (H) circle (1.5pt) node[below right] {\textcolor{black}{$-i$}};
         \fill[green] (I) circle (1.5pt) node[above right] {\textcolor{black}{$i$}};
         \fill[red] (J) circle (1.5pt) node[right] {\textcolor{black}{$z_n$}};
         \fill[red] (K) circle (1.5pt) node[right] {\textcolor{black}{$z_n^*$}};
         \fill[red] (L) circle (1.5pt) node[left] {\textcolor{black}{$-z_n^*$}};
         \fill[red] (M) circle (1.5pt) node[left] {\textcolor{black}{$-z_n$}};
         \fill[blue] (B) circle (1.5pt) node[below right] {\textcolor{black}{$1$}};
         \fill[blue] (C) circle (1.5pt) node[below left] {\textcolor{black}{$-1$}};
      \caption{caption}\label{discrete spectrum}

      \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]\label{Sigma1}
         \filldraw[yellow!10,line width=0.4] (0.7,-3) rectangle (1.1,3);
         \filldraw[yellow!10,line width=0.2] (-1.1,-3) rectangle (-0.7,3);
         \draw[->](-5,0)--(5,0)node[right]{${\mathrm re} z$};
         \draw (1.1,-3)--(1.1,3);
         \draw (-1.1,-3)--(-1.1,3);
         \node[below] at (0,0) {$0$};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue,scale=0.2] at (0,0) {$0$};
         \foreach \x [count=\p] in {0,...,11} {
         \node[shape=circle,fill=red, scale=0.25] (\p) at (-\x*30:2) {};};
                     % \foreach \x [count=\p] in {0,...,5} {
                       %   \draw (-\x*60:2.4) ;
                        %  \draw (-30-\x*60:2.4) ;};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.25]  at (0:2) {};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.25]  at (-6*30:2) {};
         \node[right] at (1.83205,1) {$z_k$};
         \node[right] at (1.83205,-1) {$\bar{z}_k$};
         \node[left] at (-1.83205,1) {$-\bar{z}_k$};
         \node[left] at (-1.83205,-1) {$-z_k$};
         \node[above right] at (2*30:2) {$z_{j_0}$};
         \node[below right] at (-2*30:2) {$\bar{z}_{j_0}$};
         \node[above left] at (4*30:2) {$-\bar{z}_{j_0}$};
         \node[below left] at (-4*30:2) {$-z_{j_0}$};
         \draw [dashed, gray](1) arc (0:360:2);
         \draw[->,red] (1.93205,-1) arc(360:0:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (1.93205,1) arc(0:360:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (0.2,2) arc(0:360:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (0.2,-2) arc(360:0:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (-1.53205,1) arc(0:360:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (-1.53205,-1) arc(360:0:0.2);
         \node[below left] at (-2,0) {$-1$};
         \node[below right] at (2,0) {$1$};
         \coordinate (H) at (0,-2);
         \coordinate (I) at (0,2);
         \fill[green] (H) circle (1.2pt) node[below right] {};
         \fill[green] (I) circle (1.2pt) node[above right] {};
            %\flushleft{\footnotesize {\bf Figure $\ref{Sigma1}$} The dotted lines are ${\mathrm re} z=\pm\xi_0$. We divide the discrete spectrum into three set: $\triangle\setminus\Lambda$, $\nabla\setminus\Lambda$ and $\Lambda$ and reserve the poles in $\Lambda$. }

      \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
         \filldraw[yellow!10,line width=2] (0,0)--(5,1)--(5,0)--(0,0);
         \node[black]at (3.5,0.3){$\Omega_1$} ;
         \filldraw[yellow!10,line width=2] (0,0)--(-5,1)--(-5,0)--(0,0);
         \node[black]at (-3.5,0.3){$\Omega_2$} ;
         \filldraw[blue!10,line width=2] (0,0)--(5,-1)--(5,0)--(0,0);
         \filldraw[blue!10,line width=2] (0,0)--(-5,-1)--(-5,0)--(0,0);
         \node[black]at (-3.5,-0.3){$\Omega_3$} ;
         \node[black]at (3.5,-0.3){$\Omega_4$} ;
         \draw[->,dashed](-5,0)--(5,0)node[right]{${\mathrm re} z$};
         \draw (1.1,-3)--(1.1,3);
         \draw (-1.1,-3)--(-1.1,3);
         \node[below] at (0,0) {$0$};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue,scale=0.15] at (0,0) {$0$};
         \foreach \x [count=\p] in {0,...,11} {
         \node[shape=circle,fill=red, scale=0.25]  at (-\x*30:2) {};};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.25]  at (0:2) {};
         \node[shape=circle,fill=blue, scale=0.25]  at (-6*30:2) {};
         \node[right] at (1.93205,1) {$z_k$};
         \node[right] at (1.93205,-1) {$\bar{z}_k$};
         \node[left] at (-1.93205,1) {$-\bar{z}_k$};
         \node[left] at (-1.93205,-1) {$-z_k$};
         \node[above][right] at (2*30:2) {$z_{j_0}$};
         \node[below][right] at (-2*30:2) {$\bar{z}_{j_0}$};
         \node[above][left] at (4*30:2) {$-\bar{z}_{j_0}$};
         \node[below][left] at (-4*30:2) {$-z_{j_0}$};
         \draw [dashed, gray](1) arc (0:360:2);
         \draw[->,red] (1.93205,-1) arc(360:0:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (1.93205,1) arc(0:360:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (0.2,2) arc(0:360:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (0.2,-2) arc(360:0:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (-1.53205,1) arc(0:360:0.2);
         \draw[->,red] (-1.53205,-1) arc(360:0:0.2);
         \coordinate (H) at (0,-2);
         \coordinate (I) at (0,2);
         \fill[green] (H) circle (1.2pt) node[below right] {};
         \fill[green] (I) circle (1.2pt) node[above right] {};

      \draw (-5,0)--(5,0);
      \node [below] at (3,0) {$z_0$};
      \node [below] at (-3,0) {$-z_0$};
      \filldraw (3,0) circle (1pt);
      \filldraw (-3,0) circle (1pt);
      \draw [red] (0,1)--(2,1/3);
      \draw (2,1/3)--(5,-2/3);
      \draw [red] (0,1)--(-2,1/3);
      \draw (-2,1/3)--(-5,-2/3);
      \draw [red] (0,-1)--(2,-1/3);
      \draw (2,-1/3)--(5,2/3);
      \draw [red] (0,-1)--(-2,-1/3);
      \draw (-2,-1/3)--(-5,2/3);
      \draw (3.4,0) arc (0:22:0.4);
      \node [right] at (3.3,0.1) {$\tiny\alpha$};
      \node [above] at (4.2,1/2) {$\bar{L}$};
      \node [below] at (4.2,-1/2) {$L$};
      \node [above,red] at (0,1) {$L_\epsilon$};
      \node [below,red] at (0,-1) {$\bar{L}_\epsilon$};

      \draw (-5,0)--(5,0);
      \node [below] at (3,0) {$z_0$};
      \node [below] at (-3,0) {$-z_0$};
      \filldraw (3,0) circle (1pt);
      \filldraw (-3,0) circle (1pt);
      \draw [red,->] (0,1)--(2,1/3);
      \draw (2,1/3)--(5,-2/3);
      \draw [red] (0,1)--(-2,1/3);
      \draw [<-](-2,1/3)--(-5,-2/3);
      \draw [red,->] (0,-1)--(2,-1/3);
      \draw (2,-1/3)--(5,2/3);
      \draw [red] (0,-1)--(-2,-1/3);
      \draw [<-](-2,-1/3)--(-5,2/3);
      \draw [<-] (4,1/3)--(4.5,1/2);
      \draw [<-] (4,-1/3)--(4.5,-1/2);
      \draw [->] (-4,1/3)--(-4.5,1/2);
      \draw [->] (-4,-1/3)--(-4.5,-1/2);
      \draw (3.4,0) arc (0:22:0.4);
      \node [right] at (3.3,0.1) {$\tiny\alpha$};
      \node [above] at (4.2,1/2) {$\bar{L}$};
      \node [below] at (4.2,-1/2) {$L$};
      \node [above,red] at (0,1) {$L_\epsilon$};
      \node [below,red] at (0,-1) {$\bar{L}_\epsilon$};
      \node [above] at (5.1,0.1) {$\Omega_1$};
      \node [below] at (0,-0.3) {$\Omega_2$};
      \node [above] at (-5.1,0.1) {$\Omega_3$};
      \node [below] at (5.1,-0.1) {$\Omega_4$};
      \node [above] at (0,0.3) {$\Omega_5$};
      \node [below] at (-5.1,-0.1) {$\Omega_6$};
      \node [above] at (0.2,1.3) {$\Omega_7$};
      \node [below] at (0.2,-1.5) {$\Omega_8$};
            %\draw (0,1)->(2,1/3);

      \draw (-5,0)--(5,0);
      \node [below] at (3,0) {$z_0$};
      \node [below] at (-3,0) {$-z_0$};
      \filldraw (3,0) circle (1pt);
      \filldraw (-3,0) circle (1pt);
      \draw [red,->] (0,1)--(2,1/3);
      \draw (2,1/3)--(5,-2/3);
      \draw [red] (0,1)--(-2,1/3);
      \draw [<-](-2,1/3)--(-5,-2/3);
      \draw [red,->] (0,-1)--(2,-1/3);
      \draw (2,-1/3)--(5,2/3);
      \draw [red] (0,-1)--(-2,-1/3);
      \draw [<-](-2,-1/3)--(-5,2/3);
      \draw [<-] (4,1/3)--(4.5,1/2);
      \draw [<-] (4,-1/3)--(4.5,-1/2);
      \draw [->] (-4,1/3)--(-4.5,1/2);
      \draw [->] (-4,-1/3)--(-4.5,-1/2);
      \draw (3.4,0) arc (0:22:0.4);
      \node [right]at (1,0.85)  {$w^e=R+h_2$};
      \node[right ] at (1,-0.95)  {$w^e=\overline{R+h_2}$};
      \node [right ]at (4.5,-0.4) {$w^e=R$};
      \node [right ]at (4.5,0.34) {$w^e=\bar{R}$};
      \node [right] at (3.3,0.1) {$\tiny\alpha$};
      \node [above] at (0,0) {$w^e=h_1(\bar{h}_1)$};
      \node [above] at (4.2,1/2) {$\bar{L}$};
      \node [below] at (4.2,-1/2) {$L$};
      \node [above,red] at (0,1) {$L_\epsilon$};
      \node [below,red] at (0,-1) {$\bar{L}_\epsilon$};
            %       \node [above] at (5.1,0.1) {$\Omega_1$};
            %       \node [below] at (0,-0.3) {$\Omega_2$};
            %       \node [above] at (-5.1,0.1) {$\Omega_3$};
            %       \node [below] at (5.1,-0.1) {$\Omega_4$};
            %       \node [above] at (0,0.3) {$\Omega_5$};
            %       \node [below] at (-5.1,-0.1) {$\Omega_6$};
            %       \node [above] at (0.2,1.3) {$\Omega_7$};
            %       \node [below] at (0.2,-1.5) {$\Omega_8$};
            %\draw (0,1)->(2,1/3);
   \caption{caption}\label{fig:truncate errors}

            %   \draw (-5,0)--(5,0);
      \node [below] at (3,0) {$z_0$};
      \node [below] at (-3,0) {$-z_0$};
      \filldraw (3,0) circle (1pt);
      \filldraw (-3,0) circle (1pt);
            %\draw [red,->] (0,1)--(2,1/3);
      \draw (2,1/3)--(5,-2/3);
            %\draw [red] (0,1)--(-2,1/3);
      \draw [<-](-2,1/3)--(-5,-2/3);
            %   \draw [red,->] (0,-1)--(2,-1/3);
      \draw (2,-1/3)--(5,2/3);
            %   \draw [red] (0,-1)--(-2,-1/3);
      \draw [<-](-2,-1/3)--(-5,2/3);
      \draw [<-] (4,1/3)--(4.5,1/2);
      \draw [<-] (4,-1/3)--(4.5,-1/2);
      \draw [->] (-4,1/3)--(-4.5,1/2);
      \draw [->] (-4,-1/3)--(-4.5,-1/2);
      \draw [->] (2,1/3)--(2.5,1/6);
      \draw [->] (2,-1/3)--(2.5,-1/6);
      \node [below] at (4,-1/2){$\Sigma'_B$};
      \node [below] at (-4,-1/2){$\Sigma'_A$};
      \node at (0,1) {$\Sigma'$};

            % coordinates
      \draw [<->](-2,-2)--(2,2);
      \draw (-3,-3)--(3,3);
      \draw [<->](-2,2)--(2,-2);
      \draw (-3,3)--(3,-3);
      \node [below] at (0,0) {0};
      \node  [right] at (3,3) {$\Sigma_A^2$};
      \node  [right] at (3,-3) {$\Sigma_A^1$};
      \node  [left] at (-3,3) {$\Sigma_A^3$};
      \node  [left] at (-3,-3) {$\Sigma_A^4$};

            % coordinates
      \draw [<-<](-2,-2)--(2,2);
      \draw (-3,-3)--(3,3);
      \draw [<-<](-2,2)--(2,-2);
            %   \draw [-<](0,0)--(2,2);
      \draw (-3,3)--(3,-3);
      \node [below] at (0,0) {0};
      \draw [<-<] (-2,0)--(2,0);
      \draw [-](-4,0)--(4,0);
      \node [right] at (2,1) {$\Omega_1^e$};
      \node [] at (0,2) {$\Omega_2^e$};
      \node [left] at (-2,1) {$\Omega_3^e$};
      \node [left] at (-2,-1) {$\Omega_4^e$};
      \node [] at (0,-2) {$\Omega_5^e$};
      \node [right] at (2,-1) {$\Omega_6^e$};
            %   \node [right] at (2,1) {$\Omega_1$};
            %   \node  [right] at (3,3) {$\Sigma_A^2$};
            %   \node  [right] at (3,-3) {$\Sigma_A^1$};
            %   \node  [left] at (-3,3) {$\Sigma_A^3$};
            %   \node  [left] at (-3,-3) {$\Sigma_A^4$};

      \put(150.00,115.00){\line(0,-1){30.00}}\put(150.00,110.0){\vector(0,-1){3.00}}\put(150.00, 90.0){\vector(0,-1){3.00}}
      \put(180.00,95.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$\lambda=\mathrm{Re} z$}}
   \vskip-1cm \caption{caption}\label{fig1}

      \put(30.00,125.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$E_0$}}\put(30.00,74.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$\hat E_6=E^*_0$}}
      \put(150.00,115.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$\tilde E$}}\put(150.00,85.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$\tilde E^*$}}
      \put(95.00,145.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$\hat E_1$}}
      \put(125.00,125.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$\hat E_2$}}
      \put(180.00,95.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$\lambda=\mathrm{Re} z$}}

      \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.3,decoration={markings,mark=at position .67 with {\arrow[black,line width=0.8mm]{>}
         \draw[->](-3.5,0)--(2,0) node[right]{$\Re z$};
         \draw[->](0,-3)--(0,3) node[above]{$\Im z$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (1.9,-3)..controls (0.2,0)..(1.9,3) node[near end, right]{$\Gamma_0$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (1.9,-3)..controls (0.2,0)..(1.9,3) node[near end, above]{$\Gamma_1$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (1.9,-3)..controls (0.2,0)..(1.9,3) node[near end, left]{$\Gamma_2$};
   \caption{Contours $\Gamma_0$, $\Gamma_1$, $\Gamma_2$ for the case of a cubic potential ($d=2$)}

      \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.3,decoration={markings,mark=at position .67 with {\arrow[black,line width=0.8mm]{>}
         %\draw[->](-3,0)--(2.5,0) node[right]{$\Re z$};
         %\draw[->](0,-3)--(0,3) node[above]{$\Im z$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (0,0)--(1,0) node[right]{$x^*$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(1,0) node[right]{$\omega x^*$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(1,0) node[right]{$\omega^2 x^*$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (1,0)--(2.2,2) node[near end, right]{$\Gamma_1$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (1,0)--(2.2,-2) node[near end, right]{$\Gamma_2$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (1,0)--(2.2,2) node[near end, above]{$\Gamma_2$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (1,0)--(2.2,-2) node[near end, left]{$\Gamma_0$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (1,0)--(2.2,2) node[near end, left]{$\Gamma_0$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (1,0)--(2.2,-2) node[near end, below]{$\Gamma_1$};
         \draw(0.2,0) node[above]{$\Sigma_1$};
         \draw(0,0) node[left]{$0$};
   \caption{Deformed contour $\Gamma$ consisting of $[0, \omega^j \widehat{x}]$ and  $C_j^{\pm}$, $j=0,1,2$. 
   All contours are oriented away from~$0$.}

      \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.3,decoration={markings,mark=at position .67 with {\arrow[black,line width=0.8mm]{>}
         %\draw[->](-3,0)--(2.5,0) node[right]{$\Re z$};
         %\draw[->](0,-3)--(0,3) node[above]{$\Im z$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (0,0)--(1,0) node[below]{$x^*$};
         \draw[very thick] (0,0)--(1.5,0) node[right]{$\widehat{x}$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(1,0) node[right]{$\omega x^*$};
         \draw[very thick, rotate around ={120:(0,0)}] (1,0)--(1.5,0) node[above]{$\omega \widehat{x}$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(1,0) node[right]{$\omega^2 x^*$};
         \draw[very thick, rotate around ={-120:(0,0)}] (1,0)--(1.5,0) node[below]{$\omega^2 \widehat{x}$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-90:(1.5,0)}] (1.5,0) parabola (3.5,1.5);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={90:(1.5,0)}] (1.5,0) parabola (3.5,-1.5);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={30:(-0.75,1.3)}] (-0.75,1.3) parabola (1.25,2.8);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={210:(-0.75,1.3)}] (-0.75,1.3) parabola (1.25,-0.2);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-210:(-0.75,-1.3)}] (-0.75,-1.3) parabola (1.25,0.2);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-30:(-0.75,-1.3)}] (-0.75,-1.3) parabola (1.25,-2.8);
         \draw(2.5,1.6) node[right]{$C_0^+$}; 
         \draw(2.5,-1.6) node[right]{$C_0^-$};
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2.5,1.6) node[above]{$C_1^+$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2.5,-1.6) node[left]{$C_1^-$};
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2.5,1.6) node[left]{$C_2^+$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2.5,-1.6) node[below]{$C_2^-$};
         \draw(0.2,0) node[above]{$\Sigma_1$};
         \draw(0,0) node[left]{$0$};
         \filldraw(1,0) circle (1pt);
         \filldraw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (1pt);
         \filldraw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (1pt);
   \caption{Deformed contours $\Gamma_0$, $\Gamma_1$, $\Gamma_2$.
   All contours are oriented away from~$0$.}

      \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.3,decoration={markings,mark=at position .67 with {\arrow[black,line width=0.8mm]{>}
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (0,0)--(1,0) node[below]{$x^*$};
         \draw[very thick] (0,0)--(1.5,0) node[right]{$\widehat{x}$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(1,0) node[right]{$\omega x^*$};
         \draw[very thick, rotate around ={120:(0,0)}] (1,0)--(1.5,0); % node[above]{$\omega \widehat{x}$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(1,0) node[right]{$\omega^2 x^*$};
         \draw[very thick, rotate around ={-120:(0,0)}] (1,0)--(1.5,0); % node[below]{$\omega^2 \widehat{x}$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (0,0)--(-3,0) node[near end, above]{$\Sigma_2$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(-3,0) node[near end, left]{$\Sigma_2$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(-3,0) node[near end, left]{$\Sigma_2$};
         \draw(3,0) node{$S_0$}; \draw(2,2) node{$S_0$};  \draw(2,-2) node{$S_0$}; 
         \draw(-1.5,2.5) node{$S_1$}; \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2,2) node{$S_1$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2,-2) node{$S_1$};
         \draw(-1.5,-2.5) node{$S_2$}; \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2,2) node{$S_2$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2,-2) node{$S_2$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-90:(1.5,0)}] (1.5,0) parabola (3.5,1.5);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={90:(1.5,0)}] (1.5,0) parabola (3.5,-1.5);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={30:(-0.75,1.3)}] (-0.75,1.3) parabola (1.25,2.8);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={210:(-0.75,1.3)}] (-0.75,1.3) parabola (1.25,-0.2);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-210:(-0.75,-1.3)}] (-0.75,-1.3) parabola (1.25,0.2);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-30:(-0.75,-1.3)}] (-0.75,-1.3) parabola (1.25,-2.8);
         \draw(2.5,1.6) node[right]{$C_0^+$}; 
         \draw(2.5,-1.6) node[right]{$C_0^-$};
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2.5,1.6) node[above]{$C_1^+$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2.5,-1.6) node[left]{$C_1^-$};
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2.5,1.6) node[left]{$C_2^+$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2.5,-1.6) node[below]{$C_2^-$};
         %\draw(0.5,0) node[above]{$\Sigma_1$};
         %\draw(0,0) node[left]{$0$};
         \filldraw(1,0) circle (1pt);
         \filldraw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (1pt);
         \filldraw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (1pt);
   \caption{Contour $\Gamma_X$ for the RH problem for $X$ and the sectors $S_0$, $S_1$ and $S_2$.}

      \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.3,decoration={markings,mark=at position .67 with {\arrow[black,line width=0.8mm]{>}

         \draw[very thick] (0,0)--(1,0) node[below]{$x^*$};
         \draw[very thick] (0,0)--(1.5,0); % node[right]{$\widehat{x}$};
         \draw[very thick, rotate around ={120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(1.5,0); % node[above]{$\omega \widehat{x}$};
         \draw[very thick, rotate around ={-120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(1.5,0); % node[below]{$\omega^2 \widehat{x}$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (0,0)--(-3,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(-3,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(-3,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-90:(1.5,0)}] (1.5,0) parabola (3.5,1.5);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={90:(1.5,0)}] (1.5,0) parabola (3.5,-1.5);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={30:(-0.75,1.3)}] (-0.75,1.3) parabola (1.25,2.8);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={210:(-0.75,1.3)}] (-0.75,1.3) parabola (1.25,-0.2);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-210:(-0.75,-1.3)}] (-0.75,-1.3) parabola (1.25,0.2);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-30:(-0.75,-1.3)}] (-0.75,-1.3) parabola (1.25,-2.8);
         \draw(2.5,1.6) node[right]{$C_0^+$}; 
         \draw(2.5,-1.6) node[right]{$C_0^-$};
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2.5,1.6) node[above]{$C_1^+$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2.5,-1.6) node[left]{$C_1^-$};
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2.5,1.6) node[left]{$C_2^+$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2.5,-1.6) node[below]{$C_2^-$};
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick](0.25,0.4)--(0.4,0.4)--(0.6,0.35)--(0.8,0.2)--(1,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick](0.25,-0.4)--(0.4,-0.4)--(0.6,-0.35)--(0.8,-0.2)--(1,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}](0.25,0.4)--(0.4,0.4)--(0.6,0.35)--(0.8,0.2)--(1,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}](0.25,-0.4)--(0.4,-0.4)--(0.6,-0.35)--(0.8,-0.2)--(1,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](0.25,0.4)--(0.4,0.4)--(0.6,0.35)--(0.8,0.2)--(1,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](0.25,-0.4)--(0.4,-0.4)--(0.6,-0.35)--(0.8,-0.2)--(1,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick] (0.2,0)--(2,2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (0.2,0)--(2,-2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0.2,0)--(2,2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0.2,0)--(2,-2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0.2,0)--(2,2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0.2,0)--(2,-2.4);
         \draw(0.3,0.17) node[right]{\tiny $L_1^+$};
         \draw(0.3,-0.18) node[right]{\tiny $L_1^-$};
         \draw(-0.4,0.17) node[above]{\tiny $L_1^+$};
         \draw(-0.1,0.35) node[above]{\tiny $L_1^-$};
         \draw(-0.15,-0.35) node[below]{\tiny $L_1^+$};
         \draw(-0.4,-0.17) node[below]{\tiny $L_1^-$};
         \draw(1.4,2.5) node[left]{$L_2^+$};
         \draw(1.8,2.2) node[left]{$L_2^-$};
         \draw(-2.8,0.0) node[below]{$L_2^+$};
         \draw(-2.8,0.5) node[below]{$L_2^-$};
         \draw(1.8,-2.2) node[left]{$L_2^+$};
         \draw(1.4,-2.5) node[left]{$L_2^-$};
         \filldraw(1,0) circle (1pt);
         \filldraw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (1pt);
         \filldraw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (1pt);
   \caption{Lenses $L_1$ and $L_2$ around $\Sigma_1$ and $\Sigma_2$ and the contours $\Sigma_S$ in the RH problem for $S$.}

      \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.3,decoration={markings,mark=at position .67 with {\arrow[black,line width=0.8mm]{>}

         %\draw[very thick] (0,0)--(1,0) node[below]{$x^*$};
         \draw[very thick] (1.2,0)--(1.5,0); % node[right]{$\widehat{x}$};
         \draw[very thick, rotate around ={120:(0,0)}] (1.2,0)--(1.5,0); % node[above]{$\omega \widehat{x}$};
         \draw[very thick, rotate around ={-120:(0,0)}] (1.2,0)--(1.5,0); % node[below]{$\omega^2 \widehat{x}$};
         %\draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (0,0)--(-3,0);
         %\draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(-3,0);
         %\draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0,0)--(-3,0);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-90:(1.5,0)}] (1.5,0) parabola (3.5,1.5);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={90:(1.5,0)}] (1.5,0) parabola (3.5,-1.5);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={30:(-0.75,1.3)}] (-0.75,1.3) parabola (1.25,2.8);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={210:(-0.75,1.3)}] (-0.75,1.3) parabola (1.25,-0.2);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-210:(-0.75,-1.3)}] (-0.75,-1.3) parabola (1.25,0.2);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},very thick,rotate around={-30:(-0.75,-1.3)}] (-0.75,-1.3) parabola (1.25,-2.8);
         \draw(2.5,1.6) node[right]{$C_0^+$}; 
         \draw(2.5,-1.6) node[right]{$C_0^-$};
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2.5,1.6) node[above]{$C_1^+$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (2.5,-1.6) node[left]{$C_1^-$};
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2.5,1.6) node[left]{$C_2^+$}; 
         \draw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (2.5,-1.6) node[below]{$C_2^-$};
         \draw[very thick](0.24,0.4)--(0.4,0.4)--(0.6,0.35)--(0.8,0.2)--(0.89,0.11); 
         \draw[very thick](0.24,-0.4)--(0.4,-0.4)--(0.6,-0.35)--(0.8,-0.2)--(0.89,-0.11); 
         \draw[very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}](0.24,0.4)--(0.4,0.4)--(0.6,0.35)--(0.8,0.2)--(0.89,0.11); 
         \draw[very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}](0.24,-0.4)--(0.4,-0.4)--(0.6,-0.35)--(0.8,-0.2)--(0.89,-0.11); 
         \draw[very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](0.24,0.4)--(0.4,0.4)--(0.6,0.35)--(0.8,0.2)--(0.89,0.11); 
         \draw[very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](0.24,-0.4)--(0.4,-0.4)--(0.6,-0.35)--(0.8,-0.2)--(0.89,-0.11); 
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick] (0.2,0)--(2,2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate}, very thick] (0.2,0)--(2,-2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0.2,0)--(2,2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick, rotate around={120:(0,0)}] (0.2,0)--(2,-2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0.2,0)--(2,2.4);
         \draw[postaction={decorate},  very thick, rotate around={-120:(0,0)}] (0.2,0)--(2,-2.4);
         %\filldraw(1,0) circle (1pt);
         %\filldraw[rotate around={120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (1pt);
         %\filldraw[rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (1pt);
         \draw[very thick](1,0) circle (5pt);
         \draw[very thick,rotate around={120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (5pt);
         \draw[very thick,rotate around={-120:(0,0)}](1,0) circle (5pt);
   \caption{Contour $\Gamma_R$ for the RH problem for $R$.}

      \coordinate [label=0: Im $k$] ()at (0,2.8);
      \coordinate [label=0: Re $k$] ()at (3,-0.2);
      \coordinate [label=0:] ()at (2,0.1);
      \coordinate [label=0:] ()at (-2.6,0.1);
      \path [fill=pink] (-3.5,2.5)--(3.5,2.5) to
      \coordinate [label=0: $\mathbb{C}^{+}$] ()at (1,1);
      \coordinate [label=0: $\mathbb{C}^{-}$] ()at (1,-1);
      \draw[->, ] (3,0)--(3.5,0);
      \draw[->,] (0,2)--(0,2.5);

   \begin{tabular}{c c}
         \path [fill=gray!30](-3,0) -- (-2,4) -- (3,4) -- (0,0)--(-3,0);
         \draw [thick](-3,0) -- (-2,4);
         \draw [thick](0,0) -- (3,4);
         \draw [help lines][->] (-4,0) -- (4,0);
         \draw [help lines][->] (-3.8,-0.2) -- (-3.8,4);
         \draw [fill] (-3,0) circle [radius=0.025];
         \draw [fill] (0,0) circle [radius=0.025];
         \node [below] at (-3,0) {$x_1$};
         \node [below] at (0,0) {$x_2$};
         \node [below] at (4,0) {$x$};
         \node [left] at (-4,4) {$t$};
         \node [above] at (-2,4) {$\scriptstyle{x-v_1 t = x_1}$};
         \node [above] at (3,4) {$\scriptstyle{x-v_2 t = x_2}$};
         \path [fill=gray!30](-2,-0.2) -- (-2,4) -- (2,4) -- (2,-0.2)--(-2,-0.2);
         \draw[thick](-2,-0.2) -- (-2,4);
         \draw[thick](2,-0.2) -- (2,4);
         \draw[help lines][->] (-4,0.0) -- (4,0.0);
         %\draw[fill] (-2,0) circle [radius=0.025];
         %\draw[fill] (2,0) circle [radius=0.025];
         %% Soliton nodes
         \draw[fill] (3,.4) circle [radius=0.04];
         \draw[fill] (2.3,3) circle [radius=0.04];
         \draw[fill] (1.3,2) circle [radius=0.04];
         \draw[fill] (-.2,.5) circle [radius=0.04];
         \draw[fill] (-.8,1.8) circle [radius=0.04];
         \draw[fill] (-1.3,.3) circle [radius=0.04];
         \draw[fill] (-2.4,3.3) circle [radius=0.04];
         \draw[fill] (-3,.5) circle [radius=0.04];
         \draw[fill] (-3,2.4) circle [radius=0.04];
         %% soliton node labels
         \node [left] at (3,.4) {$\scriptstyle{z_1}$};
         \node [right] at (2.3,3) {$\scriptstyle{z_8}$};
         \node [left] at (1.3,2) {$\scriptstyle{z_5}$};
         \node [left] at (-.2,.5) {$\scriptstyle{z_2}$};
         \node [left] at (-.8,1.8) {$\scriptstyle{z_6}$};
         \node [left] at (-1.3,.3) {$\scriptstyle{z_3}$};
         \node [left] at (-2.4,3.3) {$\scriptstyle{z_9}$};
         \node [left] at (-3,.5) {$\scriptstyle{z_4}$};
         \node [left] at (-3,2.4) {$\scriptstyle{z_7}$};
         %% exterior figure labels
         \node [below] at (-2,0) {$\scriptstyle{-v_2/2 }$};
         \node [below] at (1.9,0) {$\scriptstyle{-v_1/2  }$};
         \node [right] at (4,.0) {$\Re z$};
         \node [right] at (-4,3.7) {$C$};

      %\draw[help lines] (-6,-6) grid (6,6);
      \path [fill=gray!30] (0,0) -- (-4,4) -- (-6,4) -- (-6,-4) -- (-4,-4) -- (0,0);
      \path [fill=gray!30] (0,0) -- (4,4) -- (6,4) -- (6,-4) -- (4,-4) -- (0,0);
      \draw [help lines] (-6,0) -- (6,0);
      \draw [thick][->] (-4,4) -- (-2,2);
      \draw [thick] [->](-2,2)--(2,-2);
      \draw [thick] (2,-2) -- (4,-4);
      \draw [thick][->] (-4,-4) -- (-2,-2);
      \draw [thick][->] (-2,-2)--(2,2);
      \draw [thick] (2,2) -- (4,4);
      \draw[color=white, fill=white] (1.5,1.4) circle [radius=.2];
      \draw[color=white, fill=white] (1.5,-1.4) circle [radius=.2];
      \draw[color=white, fill=white] (-3.5,2.5) circle [radius=.2];
      \draw[color=white, fill=white] (-3.5,-2.5) circle [radius=.2];
      \draw[color=white, fill=white] (3,2) circle [radius=.2];
      \draw[color=white, fill=white] (3,-2) circle [radius=.2];
      \node at (3.5,3) {$\Sigma_{1}$};
      \node at (-3.5,3) {$\Sigma_{2}$};
      \node at (-3.5,-3) {$\Sigma_{3}$};
      \node at (3.5,-3) {$\Sigma_{4}$};
      \node [right] at (6,0) {$\Re{z}$};
      \draw [fill] (0,0) circle [radius=0.025];
      \node [below] at (0,0) {$\xi$};
      \node at (1,.4) {$\Omega_{1}$};
      \node at (0,1.08) {$\Omega_{2}$};
      \node at (-1,.4) {$\Omega_{3}$};
      \node at (-1,-.4) {$\Omega_{4}$};
      \node at (0,-1.08) {$\Omega_{5}$};
      \node at (1,-.4) {$\Omega_{6}$};
      \node at (4,1) {$W^{2} = \stril[0] {-\dbar R_1 e^{2it \theta}} $ };
      \node at (-4,1) {$W^{2} = \striu[0]{ -\dbar R_3 e^{-2it \theta}} $ };
      \node at (-4,-1) {$W^{2} = \stril[0]{ \dbar R_4 e^{2it \theta}} $ };
      \node at (4,-1) {$W^{2} = \striu[0]{ \dbar R_6 e^{-2it \theta }} $};

      \draw [help lines] (-2,0) -- (2,0);
      \draw [thick][->] (-2,2) -- (-1,1);
      \draw [thick] [->](-2,2)--(1,-1);
      \draw [thick] (-2,2) -- (2,-2);
      \draw [thick][->] (-2,-2) -- (-1,-1);
      \draw [thick][->] (-2,-2)--(1,1);
      \draw [thick] (-2,-2) -- (2,2);
      \node at (2.3,2) {$\Sigma_{1}$};
      \node at (-2.3,2) {$\Sigma_{2}$};
      \node at (-2.3,-2) {$\Sigma_{3}$};
      \node at (2.3,-2) {$\Sigma_{4}$};
      \node [right] at (2,0) {$\Re{\zeta}$};
      \draw [fill] (0,0) circle [radius=0.025];
      \node [below] at (0,-0.1) {$0$};
      \node at (1,.4) {$\Omega_{1}$};
      \node at (0,1.08) {$\Omega_{2}$};
      \node at (-1,.4) {$\Omega_{3}$};
      \node at (-1,-.4) {$\Omega_{4}$};
      \node at (0,-1.08) {$\Omega_{5}$};
      \node at (1,-.4) {$\Omega_{6}$};

      \draw (0,0)--(4,0);
      % \node [above] at (-1,2) {$\theta'=0$};
      % \draw [->](-1,2)--(0,0.1);
      \draw [fill] (0,0) circle [radius=0.05];
      \node [below] at (0,0) {$O$};
      % \node [below] at (2,0) {$I_{j+}$};
      % \node [below] at (-2,0) {$I_{j-}$};
      \draw [line width=0.3 mm] (0,0)--(4,1.5);
      \path [fill=gray,opacity=0.3] (0,0)--(3.8,0)--(3.8,3.8*3/8)--(0,0);
      % \draw (0.5,0) arc (0:27:0.4) ;
      % \node [right] at (0.5,0.1) { $\alpha$};
      \node [above] at (3.8,1.5) {$\Sigma_{1}$};
      \node [above] at (3,0.4) {$\Omega_+$};
      \draw [line width=0.3 mm] (0,0)--(4,-1.5);
      \path [fill=gray,opacity=0.6] (0,0)--(3.8,0)--(3.8,-3.8*3/8)--(0,0);
      \node [below] at (3.8,-1.5) {$\Sigma_{2}$};
      \node [below] at (3,-0.4) {$\Omega_-$};
      % \draw (-0.5,0) arc (180:180-27:0.4) ;
      \node [above] at (-1,1) {$\Omega$};
   \caption{Contour deformation}
   \label{idea of dbar steepest descent}

      \draw (-4,0)--(4,0);
      \node [above] at (-1,2) {$\theta'=0$};
      \draw [->](-1,2)--(0,0.1);
      \draw [fill] (0,0) circle [radius=0.05];
      \node [below] at (0,0) {$z_j$};
      \node [below] at (2,0) {$I_{j+}$};
      \node [below] at (-2,0) {$I_{j-}$};
      \draw [line width=0.3 mm] (0,0)--(4,1.5);
      \path [fill=gray,opacity=0.3] (0,0)--(3.8,0)--(3.8,3.8*3/8)--(0,0);
      \draw (0.5,0) arc (0:27:0.4) ;
      \node [right] at (0.5,0.1) { $\alpha$};
      \node [above] at (3.8,1.5) {$\Sigma_{j,1}$};
      \draw [line width=0.3 mm] (0,0)--(-4,1.5);
      \path [fill=gray,opacity=0.6] (0,0)--(-3.8,0)--(-3.8,3.8*3/8)--(0,0);
      \draw (-0.5,0) arc (180:180-27:0.4) ;
      \node [above] at (-3.8,1.5) {$\Sigma_{j,2}$};
      \draw [line width=0.3 mm] (0,0)--(-4,-1.5);
      \path [fill=gray,opacity=0.3] (0,0)--(-3.8,0)--(-3.8,-3.8*3/8)--(0,0);
      \draw (-0.5,0) arc (180:180+27:0.4) ;
      \node [below] at (-3.8,-1.5) {$\Sigma_{j,3}$};
      \draw [line width=0.3 mm] (0,0)--(4,-1.5);
      \path [fill=gray,opacity=0.6] (0,0)--(3.8,0)--(3.8,-3.8*3/8)--(0,0);
      \node [below] at (3.8,-1.5) {$\Sigma_{j,4}$};
      %\draw (0.5,0) arc (0:-27:0.4) ;
      \node at (3,0.65) {$\Omega_{j,1}$} ;
      \node at (-3,0.65) {$\Omega_{j,3}$} ;
      \node at (-3,-0.65) {$\Omega_{j,4}$} ;
      \node at (3,-0.65) {$\Omega_{j,6}$} ;
      \node at (0,0.95) {$\Omega_{j,2}$} ;
      \node at (0,-0.95) {$\Omega_{j,5}$} ;
   \caption{Notations for studying signatures of $\Im(\theta(z))$ near $z_j$}
   \label{notation for Im theta}

      \draw (-6,0)--(6,0);
      \draw [fill] (-4,0) circle [radius=0.05] node [below] {$z_j$};
      \draw [fill] (4,0) circle [radius=0.05] node [below] {$z_{j+1}$};
      \draw [fill] (0,0) circle [radius=0.05] node [below] {$z_{j+\frac{1}{2}}$};
      \draw (-4,0)--(0,2)--(4,0);
      \path [fill=gray,opacity=0.3] (-4,0)--(0,2)--(4,0)--(-4,0);
      \draw [red,line width=0.3 mm] (0,2)--(0,0);
      \draw [->] (2,2)--(0.1,1.5) ;
      \node [right] at (2,2) {$\Sigma_{j+\frac{1}{2}}$};
      \node at (-2,0.4) {$\Omega_{j,1}$};
      \node at (2,0.4) {$\Omega_{j+1,3}$};
      \node at (-4,1.2) {$\Omega_{j,2}$};
      \node at (4,1.2) {$\Omega_{j+1,2}$};
      \node [above] at (-2,1){$\Sigma_{j,1}$};
      \node [above] at (2,1){$\Sigma_{j+1,2}$};
   \caption{Jumps in a small triangular region.}
   \label{sigma j 1/2}

      \draw [dashed,color=gray,opacity=0.3,line width=0.35 mm] (-6,0)--(6,0);
      \draw (-6,1/2)--(-2,-1.5);
      \draw (-6,-1/2)--(-2,1.5);
      \draw [dashed,color=gray,opacity=0.3,line width=0.35 mm](-2,-1.5)--(0,-2.5);
      \draw [dashed,color=gray,opacity=0.3,line width=0.35 mm](-2,1.5)--(0,2.5);
      \draw (6,-1/2)--(2,1.5);
      \draw (6,1/2)--(2,-1.5);
      \draw [dashed,color=gray,opacity=0.3,line width=0.35 mm](2,1.5)--(0,2.5);
      \draw [dashed,color=gray,opacity=0.3,line width=0.35 mm](2,-1.5)--(0,-2.5);
      \draw [dashed,color=gray,opacity=0.3,line width=0.35 mm](0,2.5)--(0,-2.5);
      \node [below] at (-5,-0.2) {$z_j$} ;
      \node [below] at (5,-0.2) {$z_{j+1}$};
      \node [above] at (-3.4,0.8) {$\Sigma_{j,1}^o$};
      \node [above] at (3.4,0.8) {$\Sigma_{j+1,2}^o$};
      \node [below] at (-3.4,-0.8) {$\Sigma_{j,4}^o$};
      \node [below] at (3.4,-0.9) {$\Sigma_{j+1,3}^o$};
   \caption{New contours, dashed line segments are those deleted parts.}
   \label{truncated contours}

      \path [draw=blue,line width=0.3 mm,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}]
      \path [draw=green,line width=0.3 mm,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}]
      \draw [line width=0.2 mm](-4,0)--(4,0);

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      % Text Node
      \draw (350.5,50.25) node   [align=left] {
         $ $$\displaystyle m^{[ 0]} =m$
      % Text Node
      \draw (366,110) node   [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle m^{[1]} =m^{[ 0]} \delta ^{\sigma _{3}}$
      % Text Node
      \draw (353,71.5) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]   [align=left] {Conjugation};
      % Text Node
      \draw (367,180) node   [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle m^{[ 2]} =m^{[ 1]} O( z)$
      % Text Node
      \draw (354,128.5) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]   [align=left] {Open lenses};
      % Text Node
      \draw (353,190.5) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]   [align=left] {Mixed $\displaystyle \overline{\partial }$-RHP};
      % Text Node
      \draw (224,263) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]   [align=left] {$\displaystyle \overline{\partial }$-Problem};
      % Text Node
      \draw (489,279.75) node   [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle m_{RHP}^{[ 2]}$
      % Text Node
      \draw (545.5,308.75) node   [align=left] {
         Remove $\displaystyle \Sigma _{j+1/2}$
      % Text Node
      \draw (492.5,339.75) node   [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle \tilde{m}^{[ 2]}$
      % Text Node
      \draw (499,393.13) node   [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle \hat{m}^{[ 2]}$
      % Text Node
      \draw (531,368.25) node   [align=left] {
      % Text Node
      \draw (500.5,446.25) node   [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle m^{[ 3]}$
      % Text Node
      \draw (496,407) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]   [align=left] {{\scriptsize Reduce phase \& separate contributions}};
      % Text Node
      \draw (426.5,435.75) node [font=\small]   [align=left] {
      % Text Node
      \draw (400.5,338.25) node  [font=\small] [align=left] {
         Small norm\\
         (for large $\displaystyle t$)
      % Text Node
      \draw (264,363) node   [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle E=m^{[ 2]}\left( m_{RHP}^{[ 2]}\right)^{-1}$
      % Text Node
      \draw (279,304) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]   [align=left] {\textcolor[rgb]{0.94,0.05,0.05}{Error}};
      % Text Node
      \draw (583,214) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]   [align=left] {\textcolor[rgb]{0.94,0.05,0.05}{Error}};
      % Text Node
      \draw (570.5,223.25) node  [font=\footnotesize] [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle \mathcal{O}\left( t^{-1}\right)$
      % Text Node
      \draw (254,312.75) node  [font=\footnotesize] [align=left] {
         $\displaystyle \mathcal{O}\left( t^{-3/4}\right)$
   \caption{Steps of the $\dbar$-steepest method.}

      \path [draw=black,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (-5,0)--(-2,0)--(2,0)--(5,0);
      \node[circle, fill=red, scale=0.3]  at (2,0) {};
      \node[circle, fill=red, scale=0.3]  at (-2,0) {};
      \node[below left] at (2,0) {\small $\xi_0$};
      \node[below right] at (-2,0) {\small $-\xi_0$};
      \path [draw=blue,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (2,0) -- (4.8,2); 
      \path [draw=blue,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (2,0) -- (4.8,-2); 
      \path [draw=blue,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (-4.8,2)--(-2,0) ; 
      \path [draw=blue,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (-4.8,-2)--(-2,0); 
      \node [right] at (4.2,1.5) {$\Sigma_1$};
      \node [left] at (-4.2,1.5) {$\Sigma_2$};
      \node [left] at (-4.2,-1.5) {$\Sigma_3$};
      \node [right] at (4.2,-1.5) {$\Sigma_4$};
      \node [below] at (0,0) {$\Sigma_0$};
      \node [right] at (3.2,0.5) {$\Omega_1$};
      \node [above] at (0,0.5) {$\Omega_2$};
      \node [left] at (-3.2,0.5) {$\Omega_3$};
      \node [left] at (-3.2,-0.5) {$\Omega_4$};
      \node [below] at (0,-1.2) {$\Omega_5$};
      \node [right] at (3.2,-0.5) {$\Omega_6$};
   \caption{Contour for $\dbar$-RHP.}
   \label{painleve region contours}

      \path [draw=black,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (-2,0)--(2,0);
      \node[circle, fill=red, scale=0.3]  at (2,0) {};
      \node[circle, fill=red, scale=0.3]  at (-2,0) {};
      \node[below left] at (2.2,0) {\small $|\xi_0|$};
      \node[below right] at (-2.2,0) {\small $-|\xi_0|$};
      \path [draw=blue,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (2,0) -- (4.8,2); 
      \path [draw=green,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (0,0) -- (2.8,2); 
      \path [draw=blue,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (2,0) -- (4.8,-2); 
      \path [draw=green,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (0,0) -- (2.8,-2); 
      \path [draw=blue,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (-4.8,2)--(-2,0) ; 
      \path [draw=blue,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (-4.8,-2)--(-2,0); 
      \path [draw=green,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (-2.8,2)--(0,0) ; 
      \path [draw=green,postaction={on each segment={mid arrow=red}}] (-2.8,-2)--(0,0); 
      \node [right] at (4.2,1.5) {$\Sigma_1$};
      \node [right] at (2.2,1.5) {$\Sigma_1^{[5]}$};
      \node [left] at (-4.2,1.5) {$\Sigma_2$};
      \node [left] at (-2.2,1.5) {$\Sigma_2^{[5]}$};
      \node [left] at (-4.2,-1.5) {$\Sigma_3$};
      \node [left] at (-2.2,-1.5) {$\Sigma_3^{[5]}$};
      \node [right] at (4.2,-1.5) {$\Sigma_4$};
      \node [right] at (2.2,-1.5) {$\Sigma_4^{[5]}$};
       % \node [below] at (0,0) {$\Sigma_0$};
       % \node [right] at (3.2,0.5) {$\Omega_1$};
       % \node [above] at (0,0.5) {$\Omega_2$};
       % \node [left] at (-3.2,0.5) {$\Omega_3$};
       % \node [left] at (-3.2,-0.5) {$\Omega_4$};
       % \node [below] at (0,-1.2) {$\Omega_5$};
       % \node [right] at (3.2,-0.5) {$\Omega_6$};
   \caption{Contour for $m^{[4]}$(Green part).}
   \label{Countors for Painleve II hierarchy}


\usepackage[dvipsnames, svgnames, x11names]{xcolor}
